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my girl trini5661

Trinity's POV

I remember the day I met the losers, I had just started running from Henry and his stupid friends in the snow.


"COME BACK HERE YOU FREAK!!" I hear Henry scream, it was currently 14 degrees in Derry and I really had no where to go since I got locked out of my own house.

I kept running through the thick snow until I finally got out of breath, I hid behind a store.

"I swear Eddie she was so hot." I heard a boy say from behind the corner, "Richie anything with boobs is hot to you."

"Yea but Stan she was hot hot like super hot"

"Can both of you shut up about Trinity ?"

Once I heard my own name come from out of their mouth I walked out from the corner, the boys talking about you looked shocked.

"Trinity!" A boy screams, you smirk.

"Who exactly are you guys and why am I getting talked about?"  I said crossing my arms.

"Well I'm Richie Tozier, that's Eddie, Bill, and Stan." He says pointing and talking, the boy named Eddie stared at me.

"Well I'm Trinity as you may already know-" I got cut off by seeing Bowers in the corner of my eye.

"I have to go but maybe I'll catch you guys at school assuming you go to my school," I say dashing away and running all over town before finally returning home.

I  got inside and thought about how cute that eddie boy was.

FlashBack Over

God how i missed everyone, since the whole IT thing happened nothing was the same, Billy punched Richie, I wasn't  aloud to see Eddie thanks to his mom, she already hated me and now she really really hates me.

It's not like I did anything wrong, everyone was changing and it was so stupid. So everyday I  just sat in my room,

"Hello?" I say picking up the phone,

"I need you Trinity," I heard Eddie say from the other line. I sigh,

"I miss you a lot eddie but if your mom caught you talking to me she would have my head on a stick," I said as he sniffs a laugh on the other side because he knows it's true.

I looked at the time, 11:38, I had planned to meet Richie for lunch today because out of all the losers he was my best friend and he knew how I felt about Eddie.

"Hey Eds I have to go but I'll try to stop by maybe later once your moms at the store?" I say as he sighs on the other line.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to meet Richie for lunch at the arcade today,"

"Your meeting Richie? Are you guys gonna be alone? Why Richie? Why not Bill? Trinity?" He says freaking out.

"Hey hey hey calm down I'll explain everything later I have to go," I say as I slip on my shoes.

"I love you." He says on the other line, I smiled,

"I love you."

I hung up and ran out the door and hopped on my bike. I peddled down the street and arrived at the arcade, I walked in and saw Richie.

"Hey Rich." I say as he gets up from the booth we always sit in and hugs you. I sat down started talking.

"I feel like this whole you and Bill fight is super stupid," I said as I  sipped my Pepsi, he looks at me.

"And you know what I feel like Trinity? I feel like you should admit your feelings for Eddie before I tell him," he says sipping his drink, you fake gasp,

"Oh no! We wouldn't want that to happen would we now Trashmouth?" I said he he smiles and rolls his eyes.

"Well look who's coming? Maybe you should go tell her how you feel about her son?" He says pointing at Mrs.Kaspbrak, you drop to the floor  but before you could she started walking over.

"Hello Trinity, Richie." She says acknowledging us, I smile at her and Richie kicks me under the table. I glare at him,

"Mrs.Kaspbrak may I talk to you?" I ask politely, she stays quiet for a second but agrees. We walk away and find another booth as Richie stared at us,

"I want to let you know the truth about how I feel about your son, he's the love of my life I think. I can never go a day without thinking about him. He always knows how to cheer me up and how to make me laugh and how to make me cry. He never does anything bad when he's around me and he is the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. I hate that you hate me and I hate how you think that I was the cause of him breaking his arm and I hate how you don't like us together but you know what Mrs. Kaspbrak? We're always going to find a way to be together and I hope that one day you realize that he's not going to be your little boy anymore because one day he's going to grow up and realize that he doesn't need his mom every day and I hope that you realize that too."  I get up and walk over back to Richie as he gives me a high five under the table,

She walks up to me, "You know what trinity, I think now... I hate you even more." She says as she dumps a smoothie on me. I gasp and stand up,

"YOU FUCKING BITCH." I say as I jump on her, I pull her hair and hit her face. Richie tries pulling me off.

He finally gets me off and holds me back, "IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN MRS.KASPBRAK I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL END YOU."

"Hey calm down it's okay it's okay." Richie says whispering that in your ear, she walks out and everyone goes back to what they were doing.

"Great fucking idea Richie." I said as I was in deep need of a shower. Richies eyes go wide, "What now?" I said turning around.

There I saw Eddie, fear in his eyes as he watched the whole thing. He slowly walks up to us,

"I never want to see you again Trinity." He says running out. I look back at Richie, sadness in my eyes.

" have you ever wanted to punch someone in the face?" I ask him.

"All the time."

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