(the fall out)

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She sat there, face full of tears and her arms wrapped on his right leg.

"Please. Don't leave, we can still fix this." She said, tears trickling her cheeks like a waterfall. But his mind is already made up.

He can't live like this, he didn't thought of a life like this. Yes, he loved her but somehow he still was not happy.

"No Kisses, I'm sorry but this can't be fixed anymore." He said, so tired of everything he has once dreamed of. He took her arms away from his leg, gently.

"Edward. You can't do this." She said, still crying, still sitting on the floor and not looking to his eyes.

"I loved you, but somehow this does not feel right anymore." He said, eyeing the door from his spot.

"Why? What have I done wrong?" She asked, this time she lifted her gaze to him. However, he is not looking to her. He is looking at the door, craving for escape. This pained her heart much more.

"Tell me why, then you are free to leave." She said as she steeled herself from him walking away from her life.

"I'm tired Kisses, you make me feel less." He said and walked away from her, she looked as her heart broke to pieces. Once more, she was alone just like it always seem to be.

De ja vu.

It was the words in her mind.

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