(downward spiral)

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He sat there by her hospital bed, and she sat just there confused of why he is still there.

"Just go." Those were the first words she uttered to the man who saved her.

"I just saved you and all you can say is that?" He asked with so much shock in his voice. "Tell me, why did you even tried to drown yourself? And of all places, sa resort pa namin." He said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"I don't owe you any explanation." She said and laid back on her bed again.

"Oh really. How feisty." He said with a laugh.

"Why are you even here? Just leave me alone!" She said finally raising her voice.

But all he did was smile, but it was not the kind of smile that would make you feel at ease. It felt like he was mocking her.

"Just go. You don't need to be here and mock me." She said and covered her face with the thin hospital blanket.

"If I leave you what would you do? Attempt another suicide?" He said but it was barely audible, and it seems she did not hear it.

"Kisses!" Someone said as the door swung open and revealed a man in his mid-forties.

He was shocked to see a young man by the hospital bed of his daughter.

"Who are you?" He almost shouted.

"Sir, I found your daughter in the ocean by our resort trying to kill herself." He said, his tone so calm that it matched his face.

And that shocked her father much more.

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