(easy come. easy go.)

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She sat there by the shore where she first met him. She sat there still crying her eyes out.

She thought of the words he once uttered to her.

I love you.

She cried harder at the thought of how easily he can say such words to her, and leave her all alone just like how Marco did.

It was all so painful.

She stood and made her way into the ocean. The sun was now setting, still the life guard who went to the comfort room was nowhere in sight.

Her eyes full of tears and her head full of nothing but treacherous thoughts she walked on.

She closed her eyes and let herself feel the coldness of the water.

The water is now waist deep, but still she walked farther.

"Miss! Miss!" Someone shouted from afar, but she did not care. She still walked to where the water was deep.

The water now reached her neck. She can barely breathe now. She smiled, and finally walked more and was swallowed by the ocean.

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