05. time - merkel (atomic blonde)

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WARNINGS: slight atomic blonde spoilers if you have not yet seen it, violence, blood and injury, death, PAIN

Something was wrong. Terribly, horribly wrong.

He could feel it wrench in his gut, sending an awful wave of nausea rushing through him. His bright eyes flickered about, searching every face that rushed past, hoping one of them was yours.

But they were all bleak, sullen faces. None of them were bright or jubilant like yours was. This only worsened his anxiety, his chest tightening painfully.

He could not face the fact that something might've happened to you. And he most certainly couldn't stomach the thought of you lying dead somewhere. No, he would not believe it.

But then there was a glimmer of light, a flood of knee buckling relief, for his eyes had finally landed on the prize: you.

Merkel stepped into the street, pushing past other human beings, sight never drifting away from you for a second. You were huddled next to a battered Lorraine, tucked into her side as the both of you meandered up the sidewalk.

He reached you in no time, hand darting out to touch Lorraine's shoulder. The woman jumped, whipping around to defend herself. "Hey, it's me!" Merkel exclaimed, "it's me."

The blonde breathed out a sigh of relief, though it pained her to do so. She felt as if she was breathing in broken glass shards. The weight at her side was too much, and she nearly lost her grip on you, until Merkel swooped in, taking ahold of you.

You were in worse shape than Lorraine was, and Merkel was quick to notice the amount of blood that had seeped through your once white shirt. He cursed under his breath before he wrapped an arm around you, reaching back to grab Lorraine's hand as he pulled you both out of the open, needing to get you to safety.

You weren't doing so hot, that was for certain. You'd gotten caught up in the crowd with Lorraine when Spyglass was shot, and you'd had no other choice but to run with her, knowing she needed help if they were going to get the man into the west.

What followed was a fight for your lives, as well as the STASI operative's. You were beaten, bruised, shot at, sworn at, thrown about like a rag doll. Despite sustaining a few painful injuries, one of which you were certain was a cracked rib, you were alive, and you were okay. So was Lorraine.

But then, things took a turn for the worse. A stray bullet lodged itself in your side, which complicated everything. But the adrenaline rush dulled the pain somewhat, and by some miracle, you were able to narrowly escape with Lorraine and Spyglass.

The mission was all in vain, however, for Spyglass ended up drowning when the car you'd commandeered was sent into the water. You and Lorraine barely made it out alive after that, managing to swim to the surface of the freezing water.

This brought you to the present moment, with you leaning against your lover's side, hardly able to support yourself. The adrenaline was finally wearing off, and a searing, mind numbing pain was beginning to rush through you. Your knees were beginning to betray you, buckling beneath your weight.

Without pause, Merkel swiftly lifted you into his arms, carrying you bridal style the rest of the way. He didn't say a word, his jaw was hard set as he walked, willing his feet to carry him faster so he could assess your injuries and get you help.

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