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"Let's do this boys."

The loud cheering was heard over the sound of the automatic weapon being fired, except for two terrified boys. Jungkook and Taehyung were petrified. They are about to rob South Korea's biggest bank, and if one little thing goes wrong, they could be in jail for their entire lives. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, realizing what monsters they are about to become when they complete this mission.

Everyone cheered as they headed towards the van, that neither Jungkook or Taehyung had seen before, but before they could ask, Jimin had already answered.

"The skinwalkers drove the van, it has a remote control bomb in case something goes wrong hidden on the underneath," Jimin said holding so said remote, "which I doubt we will need."

Jungkook stared blankly at the van, and Taehyung just wiped away the tear that had fallen. They both got in the back with J-hope, Jimin, and Suga. They were all talking with one another as Jin drove the van to the designated spot. They had exactly 21 minutes to get there and have everything run smoothly.

Jungkook laid his head on the side of the van, thinking about what is about to happen and how now he is apart of a world-renowned gang, and how he could never leave either. He sighed and looked at Taehyung, which both boys made eye contact. Suga noticed, and grabbed something out of his pocket. He pulled out a box of 100 Marlboro, and flipped the pack upside down, he hit the palm of the hand with the package to pack it down.

He flipped right back up, and he pulled out seven cigarettes, grabbing his zippo in the process. He handed them out, every single one accepting the addictive nicotine.


Suga's zippo lit and he held it forward to all the members, cupping the flame to protect it. Taehyung took an extra long drag on his cigarette and blew out the smoke. Suga finally lit his, and closed the zippo, extinguishing the flame. They all took drags from the cigarettes, and about ten minutes later they all had a nicotine high, and Taehyung and Jungkook's nerves had calmed. They continued their long drive, with the taste of tobacco on their tongue, and the sense of murder at their hands.

They finally arrived, and Taehyung took a look at his watch, he noticed it was 2:58 p.m. They were early. Rapmonster took no time in getting out of the van, and having his backpack on, everyone followed their leader and headed towards the bank. Taehyung and Jungkook's heart sped faster with every step they took.

J-hope kicked open the door, and shot at the glass protecting the bank tellers. Glass shattered, and fell to the ground, in sync with the screams of terror leaving both the bank tellers and customers. Suga joined J-hope but instead shot up. The security guards who were not on lunch break pulled out their weapons, but Jimin was quick to shoot them in the shoulder. Rapmonster grabbed the remote, and all cameras went blank, and they could only record audio, which even then, would conceal their voices.

The sound of screams of pain and terror, filled Jungkook's ears, getting blocked out quickly by Rapmonster's voice.

"JK, you and TH need to shoot the bank tellers exactly three inches from their groins, you two are our best shooters, quickly!!"

Jungkook's mind went blank and he froze, gun still aimed at the bank teller's, they begged him to not shoot, for they had kids. Tears streamed down their faces, and Jungkook could not bring himself to shoot these innocent people.

Taehyung stepped forward and shot all four right in their main artery. Screams went higher in pitch, as they fell to the floor, crying into their pools of blood that surrounded them. The tears fell, and mixed with their blood, creating a place to see the marble floor, but only for a second since it would be covered not a second later by the dark red blood.

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