7 1 1

Namjoon was the first to wake up, with the sun shining through his cream curtains. He rubbed his eyes, rubbing away the Sandman's sand, and sat up. He looked around at the blank walls, wishing he could fill them with pictures, and sighed. He began to stretch, the sound of joints popping filling the silenced air. He yawned, covering his mouth, and began to get out of bed. He put on his house slippers and made his bed. He walked out of his room, not a word said in the crisp air.

He walked to the bathroom and began to brush his teeth, humming along to a song that was stuck in his head. He spat out the remains of the toothpaste and washed his face to rid himself of leftover sleep. He finished and began to walk downstairs. He looked down at his watch, seeing how late in the afternoon it was.

1:07 p.m.

"Huh, that's strange... Where is everyone?" Namjoon mumbled to himself. He walked back up the stairs and began to knock on the doors. He first knocked on Jin's door and found the sleeping boy. He closed the door quietly and moved on to Yoongi's door. There once again, the small man has bundled up in his baby blue blankets. Namjoon furrowed his brows together, why were they still all asleep? He walked over to Hoseok's room, knocking softly. He didn't hear anything and opened the door.


Namjoon thought that was strange, and walked over towards Jimin's room, and knocked softly once again. Not a single sound, except the knocking radiating off the walls. He opened Jimin's door as well, nobody was there.

Namjoon began to worry, and he quickly walked over to Jungkook's and Taehyung's door. He knocked a little louder, hoping for a response, yet, nothing was heard behind the door. He tried to open the door, yet it was locked.

"Jungkook-ah, Taehyung, are you guys in there?" Namjoon whispered-yelled.

No response. Namjoon began to panic, and he quickly kicked down the door. Inside that room, the walls were decorated with black spray paint, and no Jungkook or Taehyung.

Namjoon walked inside, the smell of pain filling his nose. Something wasn't right.

We warned you Redrum. Now, you will pay.

Big black letters stood out in front of Namjoon. Namjoon backed out of the room, slowly at first, then running back to his hyung's room.

He barged into Jin's room, instantly waking up the older with the sound of the door hitting the wall.

"Namjoon-ah! Are you crazy?! What's wrong?!" Jin yelled.

"They're gone Jin, they are gone!! Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook!! They are gone!" Namjoon said, panting in between every word.

Jin rubbed his eyes, "What do you mean they are gone? Did you call them? Maybe they went to the store."

Namjoon entered the room more, shaking his head, "No hyung, ediconeg was here, they kidnapped them."

Jin gasped softly, quickly getting out of bed.

"Did you wake up Yoongi?"

Namjoon shook his head.

"Well?! Let's go!"

They both burst into Yoongi's room, seeing their other member already up and tieing his shoes. He was in his tux, and his mask already on his face. Yoongi looked up at the other two hysterical men and finished the knot.

"Well? Are we going to kill these motherfucker's or what?" Yoongi's disguised voice said.

Namjoon and Jin looked at each other baffled but soon came out of that state. They both ran to their rooms and suited up. They ran back to Yoongi, and they all ran downstairs grabbing everything they would need. They all got into their own cars, speeding out of the driveway, and heading to where their warehouse was located.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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