Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Vast Darkness of Space

Dion smirked as he reread the report sent from his contacts on Ah'Taria.  "So he still hasn't made his appearance," laughed Dion as he threw his handheld on the desk.  "And here I thought he'd have went to retrieve Xara immediately and gotten himself killed."

"Are we talking about Sebastian," asked Oscar as he walked into the office.

Dion pointed toward the handheld and laughed without humor, "We are.  I was sure from his little display of temper that he would have went halfcocked and got himself killed trying to get Xara."

Oscar rolled his eyes as he sat down at the desk, "You do remember we need him if we are to succeed or are you so daft that you forgot?"

"Daft," spat Dion as he banged his hand on the desk.  "I am not the one that came up with a plan that rest on another person's cooperation!  The only bargaining chip we had was Xara and Julius let her escape and got himself killed!"

"Sebastian cannot die if we wish to go against the Sinclair or the Lawson family!  He is our only hope in bringing them to heel."

Dion reached into his pocket and withdrew a single bullet withheld a shimmering free-flowing silver liquid, "We have the means to destroy both of those families and Ah'Tarian that would try to oppose us."

Oscar stared at the projectile wearily, "The test subject on Dayum only suffered a minor headache after being shot with that serum.  It doesn't work."

"I've modified it and I have successfully retested it," drawled Dion smugly.

Oscar jumped to his feet as he stared excitedly at his son, "Did it work?"

"It worked better than I could ever had expected."  Dion picked up his handheld and pressed a few buttons to bring the necessary data up.  "I tested it on Ollyum on Emilio Vasquez an Ah'Tarian that decided he was too good to stay with our cause."

"Ah," smiled Oscar as he sat back down.  He took the device and reviewed the results with a small smile.  "It solidified his internal organs?  It sounds extremely painful."

Dion smiled as he watched his father become excited over the results, "Yes it did.  He didn't know what hit him and within seconds his body fossilized.  Within 5 minutes he was nothing more than dust able to be blown away by a breeze."

"And what was Emilio's power level," asked Dion as he deftly pressed buttons.

"His power level was an 85%.  I hypothesize that the higher the power level the faster the serum will work."  Dion watched with a steady eye as his father went through every page of his notes.  "Do you not believe me," he snapped when he saw him go back to the first page and start to review the data again.

Oscar looked up from the screen, "Our downfall will be because we are too cocky in the belief that we can destroy them with this serum you've created."  With a disgruntled look he tossed the device on the desk, "I find it amusing that you can come up with numerous ways to kill them yet haven't come up with one way to stably duplicate their abilities."

"I've replicated them in Sebastian and was able to increase Orchid's," mumbled Dion as he grabbed his handheld and rose.

"Should I throw you a parade," snapped Oscar as he stared with contempt.  "Do you want me to run the banners at the fact that you are able to half-ass do something?"

Dion stared coldly at his father before he walked around the desk.  "Maybe I should experiment on you," he mumbled to himself as he left the room.  "With any luck I'd kill you."

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