Chapter Fifty One

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Chapter Fifty One

Silver Lights District - Ward Residence

Clarence watched Jael Quin twist her, shoulder length thick reddish brown, hair before she pinned a glass butterfly hair clip into it and sighed, "I don't think it's yours or my place to say anything to Kae.  Xara has a mouth and refuses to use it unless it's to whisper to her cousin."

Jael Quin eyes narrowed at Clarence's reflection in the mirror, "What do you mean you don't think it's our place to tell him that Xara is pregnant."  Jael Quin threw the clip on the vanity and turned in the black cushioned chair to face him.  "Clay, do you know she honestly wanted me to believe that she is using Kaelen."  Jael Quin huffed, "Xara doesn't have a manipulating bone in her body and do you see the way they look at each other?"  Jael Quin snorted as she turned to pat the braid she'd just coiled and pinned up.  She frowned and picked up the last pin and inserted it into a part that was unraveling. "And to think with her hands fluttering around her stomach like they were, I'd believe her when she told me she wasn't pregnant."

"Jael, dear," sighed Clarence as he stared at her reflection.  "For the time being please leave it alone."  Clarence rolled his shoulders as Kaelen's words about Pharris and the council came to mind. "Aren't you supposed to meet Martha today so you both can decide on a wedding gift for Kae and Ruby?"

"Can I buy that little witch a new personality," asked Jael Quin with a pout.

Clarence chuckled as he patted Jael Quin on the shoulder, "Unfortunately they don't sell those on Rex or Rayia like they do breast and butts."

"I disagree," smiled Jael Quin as she reached up and patted Clarence's hand.  "Patricia, Lucas's ex-wife, seems to have been able to acquire a new personality.  Celeste, Acadia and I bumped into her in the Yellow District at the fair and she was absolutely lovely."  Jael Quin shook her head and chuckled, "I almost couldn't believe it was her."

Clarence shook his head, "No Patricia acquired something she didn't think she'd ever gain."  He smiled at Jael Quin's inquisitive reflection and massaged her shoulders.  "A man that places her above any and everything."

"Ah yes," smiled Jael Quin, "I vaguely remember Wyatt Ricker.  If I recall correctly he's a Wiseman from the eastern providence."

Clarence nodded slowly, "Yes.  Since the armistice with the Alliance he's prospered along with most Nah'Byians."

Jael Quin checked her reflection and frowned, "I could have sworn I had a tuft of gray hair and laugh lines around my eyes and mouth but they have vanished."  Jael Quin leaned closer to the mirror to examine her smooth skin and vibrant hair.

Clarence nodded hesitantly, "That new cream is working."

"Clay that cream was for my hands," frowned Jael Quin as she studied him in the mirror.  "I was just telling Acadia and Celeste that they don't look like they could have sons in their late twenties or early thirties."  Jael Quin leaned closer to the mirror to examine where a laugh line used to be,  "They both look to be in their thirties themselves and Lucas and Jacob don't look a day over twenty-five."

"It must be the air," mumbled Clarence as he looked at his own reflection.

Jael Quin shook her head and giggled, "It has to be something in the air or water.  Whatever it is," Jael Quin rose and smiled at Clarence, "we should bottle and sell it."


Gold District - Extravagant Cafe

Martha Hand frowned down at the cup of barley tea and waved for the waitress that had just placed it on the table.  "What is this," asked Martha as she pointed toward the cup with disdain.

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