Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Ah'Taria - Silver Lights District

Orchard stared enviously at her handheld as she read the latest rags and growled in her throat. "I can't believe Lucas and Jacob backed that mongrel to be on the council but would banish me!"  Orchard reread the article out loud, "Third Chair Kaelen Matthew Ward to be titled by His Majesty Isaiah Sinclair."

"They are making a mockery of pureblood Ah'Tarians," screamed Orchid as she closed the article and pulled up her encrypted part of her device.  "Kaelen needs to be killed with his tramp sister."

"Kaelen Ward," gloated Dion as he came on the screen.  "I just read about how his is to be titled."

"This is a mockery," spat Orchid as she stared at him.  "When I agreed to assist you I was promised Lucas and Jacob would be killed.  Four years later and they are still breathing.  Why is this?"

Dion steepled his fingers as he stared at Orchid, "Because they aren't easy to kill."  Dion gave a weary sigh as he stared at Orchid, "Do you know how many people we've lost attempting to kill either one of those two bastards?  And they eliminated them as if they were nothing."

"We need to cause an uprising somewhere and eliminate all three of them at one time," stated Orchid calmly.  "The council sends them to clean up issues all the time -."

"Do they," asked Dion as he leaned back in his chair.  "And you think that an uprising -."

"I know," cut in Orchid as she glared at him.  "If the name Oscar O'Mallory or Dion Mace is dropped they will go in hopes eliminating the threat."

Dion twisted his lips and tapped his chin as he stared away from the screen, "I believe that we can arrange for something."

Orchid lips curled into a devilish smile as she stared at him.  "Good," she purred.

"'What have you found out about the mystery person seen with Anthony Lawson," asked Dion as he pulled up a grainy image and sent it to her screen.

Orchid shrugged as she stared at Anthony with distaste, "Nothing yet!  Anthony is keeping a low profile and was only spotted twice with him."

"Do you have a name," snapped Dion as he slammed his hand on the desk.

"C-something or other," snorted Orchid.  "It's hard to gather information about anyone residing in the Ward household.  There is not one servant, very few visitors -." Orchid paused as a smile started to spread across her face.  "But there is someone," added Orchid gleefully.

"Who," inquired Dion exasperated by her.

"Ruby Hand," giggled Orchid.  "She's been spotted all over the place with Kaelen."

Dead pan Dion stared at Orchid, "And you just thought of this?"

Orchid shrugged as she disconnected the feed with Dion.  "I'm pretty sure I can easily bump into Ruby with little to no effort," smiled Orchid as she rubbed her hands together. "All I need to do is make sure I'm some place she'll be."


Ah'Taria - Ward Residence

Sebastian stood in front of the mirror with a frown as he turned back and forth to stare at the uniform Kevin had given him to spar in.  "I don't like this," pouted Sebastian as he looked down at the tight black jumpsuit with two dark blue stripes that ran up the side.  "Why do I have to wear this?"

Kevin rubbed his chin as he stepped back to admire the outfit, "This is what students at The Academy on Jigu are wearing.  I thought we'd get you used to wearing it since next semester you'll be going."

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