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I carefully pick up the cake and glimpsed my mini me to make sure she's good (which she is),  and make my way back to the 'headmistress'. As soon as I get to the counter I rest the cake box down carefully, and got ready at the register to take her payment. The sooner she leaves the happier I'll be, I kept repeating mentally. 

"That would be $250, how would you like to pay?".

I inquired quietly and awaited her answer.

"Sure and cash".

She answered once again in that stern, cold tone,  and stepped closer to the register after taking her wallet out to pay. Accepting the money,  I enter it into the register and give her a receipt along with her change. Somehow,  our fingers touched during the transferring of the change and I quickly pulled my hand away. Looking up at her with an apology on the tip of my tongue,  I saw a slight smirk on her lips but it was gone before I could dwell on it.

"Would that be all,  miss? ".

I asked her but only out of politeness, I really just wanted her to take her cake and leave. Her constant staring and not saying anything is seriously starting to freak me out and make me uncomfortable. As she is about to finally open her mouth to say something,  I hear tiny footsteps making their way towards me.


My munchkin said while holding onto my leg. Oh Lord why did my baby girl have to come outside now?  Somehow I didn't want 'headmistress' to know that I had a child. Bending down slowly,  I picked her up and transferred her high up on my hip while she placed her head on my chest. I think it's nap time,  'headmistress' needs to leave like now. Kissing my daughter's forehead,  I turn to apologize to the lady and my words get stuck in my throat. Her gaze is so intense and focused on me that I physically take a step back. She then picks up the cake box, and proceeds to walk out the shop. Stopping at the door, she turns back around to fully face me. Lord what now?, I mentally groaned.

"I want to invite you to the opening, it starts at 6pm sharp. You can of course come with your daughter. I would like very much to see you there".

She told me and turned and left, not even giving me a chance to decline or nothing. Who the hell does she think she is, giving me orders like I'm some child. Why would she even invite me to an event that she probably doesn't have the authority to invite people to. Okay, well maybe she does have that privilege if judging by her attire and attitude, but still that was really rude.  Shaking my head of those thoughts,  I walk over to the door and turn the sign over to take a short break so that I can put my baby girl down to have her afternoon nap.

Once Amari is asleep, I reopen the shop and attend to customers until she wakes up 2 hrs later from her nap. I feed her a sandwich and fruits and she's back to playing until I close up shop at 5pm, in other words next 2 hrs. After the last customer leaves, I clean up the shop and gather all my things, plus Amari and locked up. Once outside, I make my way home with Amari in her stroller. Along the way, I say hello to some people who stopped to play with my munchkin. It takes about 20 minutes from the shop to our home and I prefer the walk since its so nice out today. 

Unexpected Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora