Why me?

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As I walked towards the kitchen to put these flowers in a vase, Amari wiggles her body for me to put her down and she walks off to her room. Smiling at my very independent daughter and her 'I can't be bothered' attitude, I place the flowers on the counter and get a vase from the cabinet and fill it water. Placing the bouquet inside, I smile to myself thinking about Noah's sweet gesture with getting me these flowers. He's such a gentleman. Then my smile drops when I think about the thorn in my ass that's still standing uninvited in my living room like she owns this place.


I murmured under my breath. This woman is trying the most and it's beyond annoying. Why can't she be a normal lesbian and stay away from straight girls like we have the plague. Shaking my head, I decide to move the last couple of dishes over to the dining table since I was interrupted early when Noah arrived. Again as my mind strays to Noah, I can't keep the stupid grin from off my face. I must really like him. This is very new to me since I never thought I could even like someone else after Dantè. I must have been in my head for a bit since Amari is touching my leg trying to get my attention.

"Mama's sorry baby."

I whisper to her and quickly organise everything on the table and pick her up and kiss her forehead.

"Let's go get Noah and throw out the trash ok baby ".

I tell her and she claps and giggles. My silly girl, I think to myself as I smile at her and make my way back to the living room. As I enter the space, all I can see is that woman and she's smirking.

" What did you do?, where is Noah? ".

I asked her. I just knew her trifling ass did something. Uuuggghhh!!!! I scream in my mind and try to calm down. Don't be quick to judge Naylah, I keep saying to myself.

" Oh something came up and he had to leave, he says sorry though".

She answered me in a condescending tone. I'm not believing this bull shit excuse for one moment.

"Try again because I don't believe you. What the hell did you tell him to make him leave? ".

I gritted though my teeth. I had to keep my tone soft since I had my daughter with me.

" And I told you that something came up with him. Something that was clearly more important than having dinner with you and your dinner".

She told me in an almost icey tone. What she said deflated whatever hope I had left in romance. I don't know why I even tried. No one wants a readymade family. God I was so dumb, how could I have set myself up for this disappointment. At least it happened now and not when I got to know him better. I stood there feeling like a complete fool and equally embarrassed. I didn't even notice when she approached me and placed her palm on my right cheek and slowly moved it to under my chin then she raised it to look into my eyes.

"He is not worth it, all those thoughts that are running through your head,  stop it now! he was not the one for you".

She whispered in her stoic British accent. Why is she even here still. I just need to be alone right now. Moving myself out of her hold, I step away from her making enough space between us and place Amari on the floor.

"Oh and do pray tell who is the " One " for me? You know what don't even bother, I'm at my limit with you. You need to leave now! ".

I aggressively told her while pointing to the door to emphasize the need for her to leave. Normally I wouldn't treat anyone this rudely no matter how annoying they are, but I just felt like crying and I need her to leave before I allow my tears to fall.

" No".

She stated defiantly and crossed her arms just looking at me. Did I just hear right?  This fucking nut job.

"Look I really don't have the patience to deal with you and your shit right now!".

I gritted out and walked over to my front door about to yank it open but instead I find myself pressed up against the door with her pressing herself against my back.

" I said no and that's final. Dont you ever talk to me in that tone of voice ever again. Do you hear me Naylah? Do you, Hmmm?!!  ".

She whisper yelled in my ear while she held me in a firm grip. My heart was beating so loudly. She is a lunatic and I'm not afraid to say I'm positively scared of her.


I stuttered in a soft voice just so I don't piss her off further.

" Good, now we will have dinner and you will not think about or ever mention his fucking name again. You got it?".

"Yes I hear you".

" Don't ever test me Naylah, I'm not a woman to be tested especially when it comes to what belongs to me".

She whispered in my ear and let her hands trail down my body slowly while she sniffed my neck. She slowly moved back and I was so relieved but still afraid of her overpowering aura and demanding attitude. Getting my breathing and heartbeat somewhat back to normal, I slowly turn around and look at her. I just can't understand her level of crazy and why she's been a constant pain in my ass. So I decided to be bold and brave even though I was anything but at the moment and ask her the one question that's been bugging me ever since I met her. Pushing away from the door and stepping further out of her reach, I clear my throat before I address her.

"Why me?".

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