Sign it or else!

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Naylah must have me all types of messed up!. I'm beyond pissed off that she would try to pull a stunt like that. I specifically told her to be at home and await my assistant's arrival but no, she had to disobey me. She's so fucking lucky that I'm reining in my anger at the moment. But I've had enough of her insolence, we are getting married as soon as we get back to the hotel and she has no fucking say in the matter. I watch her movements closely as she gathers her things and our daughter's things. As she is diing that, I pull my phone out of my pant pocket and send my assistant a quick e-mail with a list of instructions that I want done before the end of the day. Once I am finished, I send the e-mail to Ms. Nurse and I lift my eyes from my phone to see Naylah waiting with a sleeping Amari in her stroller.  

"You can wipe that indignant fucking look off your face Naylah, this could have easily been avoided if only you had obeyed my bloody instructions".

I told her and she sucked her teeth at me and turned around and proceeded to push Amari's stroller out of the kitchen.

"Fucking bitch".

She murmured but I heard her and I swear to God if our little girl wasn't here, I would teach her what a bitch can do. But soon enough I remind myself. Soon enough she'll be my wife and under my control. I'll have free reign over her and boy when I tell you that I can't wait to discipline her. She will learn not to upset me and to always follow my damn rules. I follow her out to the front door and as we get there, I reach my hand out and put it on her upper arm to stop her so that I can open the door for her, but she pulls her hand away and stares daggers at me.

"Don't fucking touch me nigga!"

She growls lowly and I form my hands into fists because I'm so damn close to losing it. I inhale deeply to once again reel in my anger, and really it's only because of Amari being present that I choose to ignore her fucking remark. Only for now though, she better be prepared for what I have in store for her. I unlock the front door and step out first and keep it open for her as she steps out pushing the stroller. I take the stroller from her and motion for her to lock up the shop. She rolls her eyes at me before she takes her keys out her purse and locks the door. I don't exactly wait for her, I start pushing my daughter in the direction which leads to the hotel.

"Shes my child, I can push her my damn self".

She told me once she caught up to us but I ignored her. Her constant disrespect deserves my ignorance. Plus, she's in for a very big awakening if she still believes that Amari is her child only. We walk the rest of the way in silence (which I'm thankful for), and in no time we're at the hotel. I bring my family up to my room and I reach in the stroller and take out my sleeping princess and walk her into the guest bedroom and put her in the middle of the bed and make a pillow barrier around her. I kiss her forehead and then walk out the room but make sure to leave the room door open. Making my way to the couch, I sit and motion for my soon to be wide to sit also, since she's standing like a statue by the entry way.

"I am not going to ask you again"

I warned her and once again, she sucked her teeth and glared at me.

"Number one, you didn't ask me nothing and number two, fuck you. In not some child to order around!!".

She hissed out and that's when I reached my limit with her. In about five quick steps, I cornered her onto the wall in the living room and caged her in, holding her hands to get side.

"Don't fucking mess with me just keep pushing my bloody buttons and trust me, if you think I'm a frigid bitch now.......say something slick just one more fucking time. One more time! !!!".

I threatened her and to calm myself down, I walked away from her and went into the en-suite bathroom. I splashed water on my heated face to cool it and willed myself to calm down. I take deep breaths and exhale through my mouth to releave my anger before I leave the bathroom so that I don't do something that would make her hate me even more than she already does. Once I'm calmed down enough, I walk by to the living room to see Naylah standing by the big window that looks out towards the small lake. Just looking at her standing there makes me want to go and put my arms around her and hold her to me tightly. However, I'm not a fool, to not know that she detests me and would never accept my embrace. Oh well! She will learn to accept my everything after this evening.

She slowly turned around to look behind her and our eyes locked and she rolled them before she turned and focused on the scenery again.

"Why did you refer to my child as ours?... She is mines and mines only".

She asked me after what seemed like 15 minutes.

"You will know in due time but just keep in mind that she is mines also".

I informed her and pulled my phone out to ring Ms. Nurse to tell her that I changed my mind yet again. This is very out of character for me but this is what Naylah does to me.

"Ms. Nurse, I need you to cancel everything else which I previously requested. I only need the papers. Get them to me within the next 4-5 hrs tops. I'm waiting".

I hung up the phone as soon as I informed Evalyn of the changes.

"What papers?".

She asked me, as she turned her entire body in my direction and folded her arms.

"Marriage license and other documents. In the next couple of hours, you will become Mrs. Reagan Parker. Oh!,....and if you know what is good for you, you better not give me anymore unnecessary trouble. So when it's time to sign those bloody documents, you will sign it or else!".

Unexpected जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें