Needing Control

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As I'm kissing on her sweet soft lips, I keep reminding myself that this is not how I want this to go between us. She is just so fucking stubborn and it is driving me to another level of angry. I really don't know what it is but she has such a hold on my emotions and that is not something I like very much.

She just keeps fighting against me to let her go but having her this close and my mouth on hers is so tempting. I want to rip her clothes off and fuck her right on the front door but I know I can't. Especially, with her daughter somewhere in the house. I slowly ease myself off her and breathe deeply to reign in my raging hormones. I let go of her hands and step back a tiny bit. I still need to be very close to her.

"What the hell is your problem?!. I told you that I'm not a lesbian or even bi-sexual and yet you insist on what... What exactly!? ".

She rants while wiping her mouth of my kiss. This sets me off and I begin counting from 10 to calm myself before I yell at her.

" Well!? ".

She askes me with her eyes starring daggers at me.

" I really don't care what your sexual preference is, I want you and that's all that matters".

I explained to her and I saw her expression change from complete anger to disbelief then confusion. Before she could respond to my little revelation, the beep from the oven sounded and she hurried to the kitchen to attend to whatever it is that she had cooking. I followed her and the smells emanating from the oven and stove were just heavenly.

I almost caught myself moaning in pleasure from the delicious aromas surrounding me. I just knew she is a keeper. As I'm about to ask her what she made,  I heard the doorbell go off and a look of panic cross over Naylah's face. Oh that must be the 'guest',  well I'm not leaving so she needs to send whoever it is on their way. I won't fucking share my woman.

Before she can make it around the counter, I walked over towards her front door and opened it. Standing there on her door step was a tall blonde haired guy, neatly dressed with a bouquet of white lilies in his hand and a smile on his face. I will admit the boy is handsome but Naylah is mines and he is about to learn that.

"May I help you? ".

I asked him in my usual clipped tone but this time I kept any of the 'warmth' out of my voice. I'm not going to beat around the bush and play friends with my supposed competition.

" I'm here to have dinner with Naylah and Amari? ".

He answered with confusion in his voice. As I was about to tell him she was unavailable, Naylah pushed herself next to me with her daughter in her arms and a huge smile on her face. What in the actual fuck is happening here.

" Oh Noah!, I'm so happy you made it.  Please come inside".

Naylah greeted him and moved back to let golden boy inside her house. I choose to stay quiet and just observe them for a bit but if he only touches her that's it.

"Of course!, I couldn't let an opportunity like this pass me. Especially, for a free meal with you two as company. "

He told her and clearly his 'charm' worked on her because she stood there blushing and looking down shyly. My anger is starting to arise again.

"Oh, I almost forgot, these are for you. I didn't know what you liked so I got you lilies. Hope that's all right? ".

He told her as he handed her the bouquet.

" Thank you Noah, you didn't have to do this but thank you for the flowers. And my favorite are tulips. So now you know".

She thanked him and also, informed him of her favorite flowers. I stored that bit of information for future reference at the back of my head. They just stood there staring at each other, and I cleared my throat loudly to break up that little moment. Not having that shit at all.

"Hi I'm Reagan Parker and you are? ".

I asked him, needing to control this situation before it got out of hand.

" I'm Noah Brown. "

He answered as he shook my hand and looked at me with confusion in his eyes. Then it cleared up when he figured out who I really was. Smart boy, I smirked internally.

"Oh goodness, you're the Ms. Parker as in Parker Industries Inc.? Wow it is a true pleasure to actually meet you. I'm honored".

He rushed out excitedly. I smiled internally since I now saw a way to get him away from my woman without seeming like the jerk I know I can be.

" I'll just go put these in some water...

Naylah whispered once she realised that I had Noah's full attention. I spared her a quick glance before giving my full attention to Noah to execute my plan.

" Have you ever submitted a tender to do the furniture for my company Mr Brown? "

I asked him seriously so he would know that this is a business conversation which would be very profitable for him.

"Actually, I have and I was turned down twice. I tried again for the bistro but the manager said that they already awarded someone else the contract. "

He informed me and all the while, my ghost smile was getting bigger and bigger. This is just to easy.

"I have 2 of my restaurants that are scheduled for renovation, and since I've seen your work, I would like to hire you to build all the wood furnishings for the renovations. However Mr. Brown, there is something that I need in exchange before I can hire you".

" Sure anything you need. "

"I need you to leave this house and Naylah alone, she is mines and I do not appreciate you being her or around her for that matter".

I told him sternly. He looked completely taken aback for a moment at my request. Even though I know that even if he did like Naylah, he loved his business more.

" Sure, I understand. Once you keep your end of this bargain".

He stated. Easy as pie. I let my smirk show and nod my head towards him.

"I'll have my assistant call you tomorrow. Goodbye Mr. Brown. I'll be sure to give Naylah your apologies. "

I told him while ushering him out the front door. No one will keep me away from what is mines. Not even her.

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