I'm Married

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What really happened just a while ago?..I think to myself as I stand and watch Reagan walk her assistant out of the room. I'm numb right now because I still can't believe that I'm married to her!.

"I'm married".

I whispered to myself and I was so in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that that woman had her lips on mines. As soon as my thoughts cleared and I gained of my senses, I pushed her away from me and wiped my mouth.

"You told me a fucking month you conniving bitch!".

I gritted out while I glared the shit out of her.

"Yes, a month for you to get accustomed to the idea of us being intimate but you're my wife now and I can kiss you. It's my spousal right, and another thing, watch your fucking tone when you are addressing me. I won't stand for disrespect especially from my wife".

She explained in her stern voice as she reached out and grabbed my arm. She pulled me closer to her and kisses me. It's as though she's making an example out of her threat not to long ago. Little does she know that I'm going to make it my mission to make her life a living hell. She's going to want an annulment very soon. She finally ends the disgusting kiss once she realizes that I'm not going to ever give her what she wants. She slowly moves away but keeps a hold of my arms as she just states at me.

"What?, you thought that I would kiss you back?. Keep dreaming Reagan Price, it will never happen. I won't ever give you my body willingly, no part of me".

I told her with a disgusted look on my face.

"So you think but before the month is up, I'll have you begging me to fuck you".

She told me with a smirk on her face. When I tell you that this bitch is delusional, I mean delusional spelt with the biggest "D" there is.

"You must be drunk because that's not ever going to happen. I like real dick and you don't and would never have one. So get the fuck out of my face with that delusional bullshit".

I told her as I tried to pry myself out of her grip.  Once I did, I walked away from her quickly and shut myself in the bedroom with my daughter before I let all my frustrations out. I haven't cried this much in a very long time and that was usually over Danté. However, now it's over my lost freedom. This bitch has taken over my life and I've been powerless to her doing so. Why do I constantly make people control my life?!!. I'm not going to allow her to control me, that is my promise to not only myself but to my daughter also. I need to teach her to be a strong, independent black woman. I need to be her ideal example.

I kiss my daughter before I picked her up and walked out the room with my sleeping child in my arms.

"What do you think you are you doing?".

She asked from somewhere behind me.

"Taking my daughter home, I have a house, and I don't intend to sleep in this hotel room".

I informed her as I continued walking towards the door.

"Fine, but now that you're my wife, that house also belongs to me. So we'll both go 'home' together".

She said all that shit then she walked into her room to do whatever. I wasn't really paying her any attention since I'm not in the mood. I continued to walk to the front door and placed Amari in her stroller, buckling her in. As I was about to open the door, that woman's hand touch mines at the handle and I pulled mines back as though she burned me.

"I'm only a lesbian, I don't have a contagious disease".

She hissed as she glared at me.

"And you'd find that I don't give a fuck".

I told her with a smile on my face. She reached out and grabbed onto my jaw, mushing my lips together in the process. Can anyone say spousal abuse!. I swear I need to learn how to tone it down some with this woman. Her facial expression went from pissed off to glacial in seconds.

"How many times must I tell you about this fucking disrespectful mouth of yours? Hmmm? Don't worry soon enough I'll put it to good use. In the mean time, watch your bloody tone".

She growled at me before she moved her hand from my face and opened the door for us to leave. The journey to my house was quiet and for that I was extremely thankful. During our walk back however,  we were walking in front of Noah's shop and he was just closing up. He looked so damn good but he clearly wasn't interested in me. Smirking eviliy to myself, I decided that I need to start doing things to piss off my unwanted wife.

"Now seems like a good opportunity ".

I murmured.

"Noah!, hey how have you been?".

I said aloud as we were passing him and I walked over to him and reached forward to hug him. However, I didn't even get the chance to feel his body on mines because queen 'block a cock' pulled me away from him.

"The f--...what is your problem wom-..?".

"My problem is that my wife thinks it's okay to throw herself at random men on he street. Don't act like a hoe ".

She whispered harshly. Did this bitch really just call me a hoe ??? Oh she truly has me fucked all the way up. You're in public Nay ... You're in public...that's all I keep chanting in my head to keep me from killing her degenerate ass. To piseed off to comment on her disrespect, I move myself away from both her and Noah and walk the rest of the way home ploting my annulment from the ice witch.

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