No way in hell!

473 31 7

I don't believe I heard Naylah correctly.

"Please repeat yourself, I believe I heard wrong".

I told her. She never ceases to push my buttons.

"I said that I want to continue living here, to keep my bakery open and for there to be nothing sexual be....".

"No way in hell!".

I shouted as I stood up abruptly and towered over her. I could tell that my sudden move startled her but I really don't care right now.

"Naylah, you are going to sign those fucking papers, and not ask for any bloody damn demands or conditions as you called it. You lost the privilege to request any demands when you disrespected and disobeyed me. So no way in bloody hell would I agree to such fucked up demands!".

I yelled at her. I am completely annoyed that she would even think that she has a right to barter with me at this point.

"I worked hard to start that bakery and my life here and just because you decided that you like me, I must sacrifice my life for your wants. I'm not a fucking pet!!!."

"No but you're mines! !!".

I shouted and grabbed onto her arms pulling her up off the sofa as I held onto her.

"This isn't going to be a marriage of convenience,  it'll be a real one. I'm not allowing my wife to live away from me. The bakery could remain open but I would hire someone to manage it. And as for your last ludicrous request, no fucking way!."

I explained to her as calmly as my anger would allow me to. I returned her glare and refused to back down. Eventually, she looked away and that made me smile internally. Try as she might, that submissive side of her would always give in to my dominance.

"Let me go."

She whispered with tears running down her face. Seeing her cry like that made me calm down. I sat down with her in my lap and just held her as she cried.

"I'm sorry baby....I really am but I need you with me. I want this marriage to work and for that reason,  I can't agree to all of your terms".

I whispered in her ear as I rubbed her back. She pushed against my chest  and moved away from me.

"I'll give everything up but just no to us having any kind of sexual relations. I-I..I can't do things like that with you".

She told me as she moved further away from me on the sofa.

"I still can't agree to that. You'll learn with time how to please me and you'll come to enjoy the things I plan to do to you as well.".

"No no no no no!!!!! I can' can't...this is wrong. I'm meant to be with a man..not a woman. No".

She said while shaking her head with a faraway looking in her eyes. I've never dealt with a more stubborn woman in all my life besides my mother. Naylah is truly a challenge, one that is making me question my dominance.

"Ok. , you will live with me at our home with our daughter. Two, the bakery will remain open but we will hire a suitable manager to run the place together. We will discuss this later on. And lastly, I will give you a month. Only a month to get comfortable being my wife and living with me. After that month is up, I have every intention of strapping you onto our bed and fucking you for hours. Take it or leave it. No more negotiations".

I stated to her clearly. I couldn't believe I actually gave in to her demands. I guess finding the one for you really changes you a bit. I continued to look at her waiting for her answer.

"I agree".

She whispered with a defeated expression on her beautiful face. I smiled at her and turned to my assistant who surely got an earful today.

"Go ahead".

I instructed her and she turned to look at Naylah with a hard expression on her face.

"Ms. Martinez, please I need your signature on these documents".

She informed my fiancee. I looked on as my gorgeous woman slowly approached the documents and proceeded to sign each one that Ms. Nurse pointed out. In no time she was done and I felt everything shift into place.

"Let me be the first to congratulate you both on your marriage. Mrs. and Mrs. Parker, do enjoy the rest of your day. I'll take your leave now to get a head start on filing these documents. Good day".

"Good day Ms. Nurse and thank you".

I told her as I stood and shook her hand and then ushered for Naylah to do the same.

"Thank you".

She murmured and held out her hand to shake Evalyn's. I then walk Evalyn out and close the door behind her. I turn around slowly and look at my wife. She's all mines now and no way I'll ever let her go.

"Hello Mrs. Parker".

I whispered to her after I walked up to her and pulled her into my arms. She was in a daze it seemed, and I was about to take full advantage of this. I slowly dipped my head down and pressed our lips together and sealed our marriage with a kiss.

((Please use imagination to picture them as Naylah and Reagan 😊))

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((Please use imagination to picture them as Naylah and Reagan 😊))

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