A Slip Of The Tongue

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I could not believe the audacity of this bloody woman. Who did she think she was inviting herself at my table and on top of that, basically telling me to get to know her,  as if. I was fuming and if I were a cartoon character, I bet there would be steam coming out of my ears and nostrils.

"I don't care who you are and I could give a damn about you or your life. All I want is for you to leave so that I can enjoy my breakfast date with my daughter. I didn't bloody hell invite you to join us and I don't need you telling me what to fucking do! ".

I whisper yelled to her as I leaned forward on the table so that no one would hear me. I turned to look at Amari to ensure that she was still playing with her teddy and since she was good, I turned back to the intruder expecting to see her gone but instead, I sucked in a gasp as I saw her angry expression. She intimidated me when we first met but the look on her face now is almost murderous and it's scaring the hell out of me. I opened my mouth to once again ask her to leave but she held up her hand to me, silencing me in the process.

"You are so very very lucky that we are in a public place and your baby is here but I promise you if it were you and I alone, I would make sure that you couldn't sit on that butt of yours for days after I was done with you. I was trying to be polite and a gentlewoman but since you want to give me attitude then I'll be the imposing bitch you insist on seeing me as. So this is what is going to happen Naylah, you are going to sit there and not utter another word unless it's a question for me or I ask you a question. You got that? Or would you rather me make a scene in public?, your choice."

She grounded out in a low and extremely intimidating voice that I visibly moved closer to Amari and remained absolutely quiet. She's fucking scary and I really don't want to be around her anymore or even outside for that matter. I want to go back to the comfort of my home but I know that I can't let this woman bully me into what she wants. Not going to happen. Looking her dead in her eyes, I sent a silent pray to the goddess for strength to deal with this female neanderthal. I decided to play along with her little game just for the duration of breakfast, and then I can never see her boldfaced ass ever again.

"Fine, but tell me why are you doing this,  what do you want from me? ".

I asked her just to understand the level of crazy I'm up against.

" That question is quite simple, I want you, and I will have you".

She answered me very confidently. I was about to shut her down when Miss May along with Lily, one of her 4 waitresses, came over to our table to bring us our food. I could see the questioning look Miss May was giving me and I wanted to mouth the words 'help me' to her but that detestable woman wouldn't take her eyes off me.

"I didn't realize that you knew each other".

Miss May voiced and I wanted to hug her since this would be my opportunity to escape this awful scenario.

" We are actually in the beginnings of getting better acquainted with one another".

This bitch rushes and tells Miss May before I could even say anything and I had to school my expression since I didn't trust her to not make a scene and embarass me. So there I sat in a complete daze from withdrawing into my thoughts which were fast becoming plagued with images of this woman's death. By the time I had snapped out of my delirium, the food was already placed in front of us and Amari was already eating her fruit slices. Shaking my head, I decided to just start eating, the sooner we finish our breakfast the faster I could get away from her.

"I want to carry you both out later this evening".

She said and yet again,  it was not a question but rather a statement. Putting down my fork since I lost my appetite, I glare at her for what felt like an eternity.

" No! ".

I answered her harshly and turned my attention to Amari to help her drink some of her juice. Hearing something close to a growl,  I turned my eyes in her direction to see her raise her eyebrows at me with a smile on her face before she bites her bottom lip not sure if its to reign in her anger or what but I could care less at this point. 

"You really think that you have a say in that,  no baby you don't

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"You really think that you have a say in that,  no baby you don't. I'll come pick you all up around 6pm sharp. And don't even think about dressing in anything close to what you're wearing at present. I don't like that others can see what I've already claimed as mine".

She admonished me in a wiltering tone and I was left there staring at her with my mouth open. This is beyond crazy and the thing is that I'm not even into women like that. Have I been secretly giving off lesbian vibes or something recently,  I kept asking myself in my head because I couldn't understand her assertiveness towards me.

"I think you're missing a very huge point here, I'm not a lesbian headmistress".

I told her through clenched teeth, completely pissed and fed up with her. I saw her eyes darken and I didn't realize my slip of tongue until it was too late. Fuck!!!!!! I'm dead.

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