You're invited

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Once I was back at my hotel room, I walked towards the bottle of champagne that I had preordered from room service on my walk back from Naylah's house. I just felt like celebrating since things are going to be in my favour from now on. Popping the bottle open, I pour some into the available glass and walked to the sofa to relax. I take a sip and just enjoy the feeling of the bubbles hitting my tongue. I sit there just thinking about my beautiful woman and how she's going to be all mines very soon. I'm beyond excited and cannot wait to be married to her, and as soon as possible before any obstacles can come in my way. I place my half empty glass on the side table and reach for my cell to call my assistant.

"Hello Ms. Parker. "

She answered professionally.

"Ms. Nurse,  I need you to be at my fiancee's house tomorrow morning to assist her with wedding preparations. This would just be until she choses a planner. I would email you the address shortly".

I informed her.

"Yes Ms. Parker".

"Also, please message me if she is being difficult or isn't co-operative. Oh!...and Ms. Nurse I'll also send you the inviation list later today. Please see to it that all invitations are sent out on time".

I told her.

"Yes Ms. Parker, everything would be handled to your liking and satisfaction.  Would that be all ma'am?".

She asked.

"Yes, thank you Evalyn. Have a good night".

I bid her farewell and hang up. I quickly forward her Naylah's address and get up to go to the office desk where my laptop is to get started on my wedding invitation list. After 30 mins,  I'm done with the list and also forward it to Evalyn with a note for her to ask Naylah for her list so that they can all be processed together before Wednesday. As I am about to log out of my computer, I get notification from my Skype account of an incoming call. Clicking on the icon, I see that its a call from my parents. This should be lots of fun, I thought sarcastically to myself.

"Hello mother, father".

I formally greet them.



Both my parents addressed me with a curt head nod. Sighing internally, I decide to just get to the point with these two.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?".

I asked them in a bored tone. This is exactly why I always weasel my way out of meeting with them in person. They drain my energy.

"Well Reagan, we need for you to attend our annual charity ball this year."

Mother informed me as though I were a teenager again and not a 43 year old woman.

"Now before you can think up any of your numerous excuses to not attend this year, your mot.....".

"I'll be there".

I cut my father off to tell them my decision. The expressions on my parents faces are nothing short of priceless. This is going to be fun when I tell them my reasons behind agreeing to attend this boring pretentious ball.

"Oh my!, I didn't think it would have been that easy to get your approval but I must say that I am very pleased you would be in attendance this year Reagan".

"By all means mother, I have not agreed to attend this 'ball' because you 'asked'. Oh no not at all. You see mother and father, this ball would give me the perfect opportunity to show off my beautiful wife and our adorable daughter to the world per say ".

I told them and awaited there response as I try my hardest not to laugh at their expressions.

"Wife and child!!?".

"Reagan you married someone and did not inform your mother and I?".

They both exclaimed at the same time. These two really are the perfect twisted couple, I thought to myself.

"I haven't  her as yet but we are to be wed very soon. And, with all due respect, I am no longer under your guardianship, nor do I depend on you both for anything financially.  So whoever it is that I choose to marry, is never...ever going to be decided or approved by you mother or father. I will see you both at the ball and you shall meet my wife and daughter there. That is unless you decide to accept my wedding invitation and attend my wedding".

I said and didn't wait for their replies.

"Oh and another thing, you're invited to my wedding and it really wouldn't bother should you attend or not. Good night mother and father".

I stated and ended the call session with them. Those two really know how to drain my energy. Getting up slowly, I walk towards my room and strip down to my birthday suit and head into the shower to bathe before bed. While im under the shower, I feel tired and drained. I'm feeling exhausted and I just need my bed. As soon as I'm done with my shower, I dried my body and crawled into my bed. Not even bothering to put on clothes. It's just me here for now, so it's not an issue and no need to cover up. Well not until Naylah becomes my wife and Amari my daughter.  Then I would need to be decent for my little girl's sake.

"I can't wait to make you all mines".

I whispered into the room with a smile on my face, before I fully fell sleep.

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