Cheerleader - Pt.2

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Patton had done it.

He'd successfully managed to convince Roman to join the cheerleading team.

It hadn't taken much, they'd just been eating lunch together, talking about anything, when Patton had mentioned cheerleading.

"You should join, I think you'd like-"

"Yes! I've been taking gymnastics lessons for months, Pat, thanks for giving me this opportunity." Patton had just laughed and shook his head at the ecstatic boy.

Roman was the popular boy, the jock that played most sports and had everyone following him on Instagram. His hair was always perfect, and he usually had his one of his sports teams' jackets on. Despite him loving sport, he was also a theatre kid, always performing in school plays and musicals, along with playing the french horn.

No one knew how he had time for everything he did, but he did. Some suspected he had a time-turner. He hadn't denied it, being a massive Harry Potter fan.

All the girls swooned over him, which made him laugh. Many students questioned why he sat with Patton and Logan, the so-called nerds (more like the coolest kids in school, in Roman's opinion), instead of the rest of the jocks. Truth is, most of the jocks were homophobic, and he didn't tolerate that.

They were good guys, but not really.

Logan sat down next to Patton, seemingly confused as to why Roman was beaming.

"What is wrong with Roman?" Logan asked.

"I invited him into the cheerleading team." Logan just mouthed 'oh' and took a bite of his sandwich.

"I might invite Virgil, if you would like that. We're bonding, and I don't think he participates in anything in the afternoons." Roman looked up.

"Really?!" He squealed. Logan nodded an affirmation. Virgil, whom they'd dubbed 'Anxiety', due to his constant anxious behaviour, was Roman's crush. The cute emo boy, the grumpy, intimidating kid from the backstage crew for the theatre club. He was in a few of Logan's classes. "I'd love that!"

A few weeks later, it was Roman's first practice, and Patton and Roman were in the locker rooms. Patton's phone buzzed. Roman looked over, curious.

It was a text from 'Gay nerd'. Logan.

'I invited Anxiety to the cheerleading practice today, I hope you don't mind, love.' Roman squeaked.

"Shit, today? I'm not ready!" Patton looked at him, an eyebrow raised.

"Roman, you were practically perfect when we practiced at my house. You'll be fine, Virgil will love you," Patton assured him, rubbing his back gently. "Come on, let's get changed." Roman grabbed his bag and opened it, pulling out a short red skirt and a white singlet.

"Is this... good enough?" Roman asked, glancing at Patton. Patton nodded.

"It's basically the same thing I wear, so I'd say that's about right. You don't have to wear a skirt, you know."

"Oh, I know. But, my dear, I really want to," Roman said, quickly slipping into the outfit. He pulled his phone out of his sports bag (containing Every Fucking Sports Uniform Ever) and opened Instagram. "Come on, Pat, selfie." Patton rolled his eyes, joining Roman in the frame.

Roman always posted pictures of himself in the uniform of whatever sport he was playing at the time, so of course he needed to show everyone what he was doing this time. He always looked flawless and was Instagram famous, though no one knew why.

He took the picture. Patton was smiling brightly and Roman had winked at the camera, sticking out his tongue. Roman quickly posted it with the caption 'first cheerleading practice! xx'. Immediately a flood of likes came in, causing Roman to laugh and turn his phone off.

"Hurry up, Ro, we'll be late!" Roman jumped up and followed Patton into the gym, nervous for once in his life. He glanced up into the stands, only to meet the gaze of Virgil. Roman immediately felt warmth creeping up his neck. Virgil was dressed in a black shirt, with a black leather jacket sitting comfortably on his shoulders. He had ripped skinny jeans on, adorned with chains, and from what Roman could see, black nail polish had been painted onto his nails. His hair was curly, making Roman weak at the knees.

Roman knew how to seduce Virgil already, he couldn't wait.

"Stop staring," Patton whispered in Roman's ear. Roman immediately looked away and looked at the coach instead. The coach smiled at him, clearly glad she had another guy on the cheerleading team.

"Girls, and Patton, we have a new cheerleader. Everyone, please welcome Roman to the team!" Excited muttering came from around them, because actual ROMAN was on the cheerleading team.

They immediately went into the routine they'd been rehearsing, Patton teaching Roman anything he didn't already know. Roman picked it up extremely quickly, becoming quickly confident in what he was doing.

Roman was in his element. When he played his other sports, football, baseball, soccer, anything, he didn't get to be his usual flamboyant self. So, naturally, he went all-out. He threw his plan into action, doing as Patton would to Logan.

As the routine started again, he blew kisses, gave winks, and was generally more flirtatious towards Virgil than he was before. He showed off his muscles, flexibility, and handsomeness to the cute emo boy in the stands.

Much to Roman's dismay, Virgil didn't even bat an eye. Instead, he was talking to Logan, the former having an amused expression on his face.

Maybe flirting with Virgil wouldn't be so easy after all.


"Please please please take us over to Logan and Virgil, please?" Roman begged Patton during their break. Patton rolled his eyes and smiled fondly.

"Where's all that confidence you had before? You're the most popular boy in the school, I didn't think you of all people would need a wingman."

"You're not a wingman! You're just a friend who happens to be able to get me closer to my crush so that I can flirt with him!" Roman exclaimed. Patton laughed and starting walking towards his own boyfriend, Roman following eagerly behind. He put on a mask of coolness and popularity, because for some reason Virgil seemed to take that away from him.

Virgil had his elbow resting on the seat above him, and gave off a cool, calm and collected vibe. Roman felt his heart flutter at the beauty he was approaching, watching the way Virgil's light pink lips flowed as he conversed with Logan.

"Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? Because you are F-I-Ne!" Patton said to Logan with a wink. Logan rolled his eyes.

"For fuck's sake, Patton. I need you to realise science pick up from the internet aren't really effective on me."

"You're hotter than a bunsen burner set to full power-"

"Fuck off." Even as Logan said this, you could see him blushing bright red, gazing at Patton lovingly. Such dorks.

Roman made eye contact with Virgil and smirked. A good pick-up line should work.

"Hey baby," he purred smoothly. Virgil just looked at him blankly. "I'm gonna treat you like my homework," he began. Virgil's expression didn't change. "I'll slam you on the table and do you all night long."

"I doubt you do your homework, pretty boy," Virgil said immediately, apparently not give a shit.

"Excuse me, I always do my homework, thank you very much."

"Sorry honey, sarcasm falls out of my mouth, just like stupid falls out of yours." Roman's mouth opened and shut in shock. Logan smirked at him. Roman decided to shut up.


Soon Patton and Roman were back out to rehearsing, and Virgil was ecstatic.

"Holy fuck he likes me!!!!" He squealed, grinning. Logan looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Then why in the world did you shut down his pick-up line? You're an idiot." Virgil blushed even more than he had been earlier.

"Nah, I wanna have my fun before we date," he claimed, smirking cheekily. Logan rolled his eyes and shook his head, shifting his attention back to his boyfriend.

Imbeciles, the both of them.

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