Cheerleader - Pt.5

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They walked down the street, side by side, the gentle breeze kind to Roman's flushed skin. A date after an hour and a half of exercise wasn't ideal, but at least he didn't smell. Besides, he remembered to bring his cologne and deodorant, so he wasn't going to smell. In fact, he smelled really good.

Stop think about what you smell like, Roman.

The trees danced in the wind, their quiet rustling a welcome filler to the blissful silence. Roman could feel his heart racing, almost as if it were trying to escape his body. Despite this, he felt comfortable around Virgil. He shifted his gaze to the boy next to him. He seemed peaceful, and somehow even prettier in this setting. His freckles were clearly visible without makeup, and were well defined with natural light. His lips looked soft, the pretty shade of pink complimenting his pale features. His hair suited him, the dark brown curls making him so...

Virgil looked up at him, finding Roman's gaze on him. He blushed, looking away immediately.

He's so cute when he blushes.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Virgil muttered bitterly, though Roman could hear the smile in his voice. Roman wished he could take a picture, he'd kill to have another photo of Virgil on his phone. He'd post it on Instagram, just to show everyone how cute he was when he wasn't being a hot badass.

Their hands brushed, and Roman made a bold move. What did he have to lose?

He grabbed Virgil's hand gently and held it in his own, swinging them lightly. Roman noticed he was blushing even harder this time, making Roman smile. Virgil timidly looked up into Roman's eyes, giving a small, nervous, yet adorable smile.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look when you blush?" Roman asked. His confidence had returned.

"This is stupid," Virgil muttered pessimistically. "How am I the blushing mess and you're the confident, suave guy? You're wearing a pastel pink skirt for fuck's sake!" Roman let out a hearty laugh.

"You're easy to flirt with when you don't act so intimidating."

"Um, I am very intimidating right now." Roman just shook his head, grinning. Virgil looked at the building ahead.

"That's the coffee shop we're looking for. Come on, hot stuff, we've got caffeine to consume."

They entered, and Roman's first thought was that this was a place Logan would love. The walls were covered in books, free for anyone to take as they sipped their coffee. It was a library-coffee shop hybrid, and considering how much of a caffeine-loving nerd Logan was, Roman wouldn't be surprised if he were in here at that very moment

There were couches and tables scattered around the shop, with outlets for chargers, and lamps for the people who came at night. The light mostly came from the windows around the place, giving it a natural glow. Many types of flowers adorned coffee tables and normal tables. The counter showed off many baked goods, and the chalkboard above showed the many coffees and assorted drinks that customers could consume.

And of course, standing behind the counter with a big grin was Patton himself. No wonder there were flowers everywhere.

"Hey you two, what can I get for you?" Patton was beaming, obviously very pleased that the hand Roman was holding belonged to Emo Guy Virgil himself.

Both Roman and Virgil told Patton their orders, taking a seat on one of the couches.

Virgil had sat himself a small distance away from Roman, much to Roman's distaste. Though, he'd decided to let Virgil be for now, considering this was their first, unplanned date.

"So, how did you become friends with Logan?" Roman asked. Virgil smiled a little and started to talk about how he and Logan bonded over astronomy, something the two both found fascinating. Logan loved everything scientific, and Virgil just generally found it interesting.

Patton soon delivered their coffee and Roman's banana bread.

"So, uh, how'd you become Instagram famous?" Virgil asked, wanting to shift the focus of the conversation off of him.

"People just find me hot, I guess," Roman claimed with a shrug. Virgil rolled his eyes, punching Roman jokingly.

"You vain piece of shit. But I suppose I agree with them," he added with a wink. They continued chatting, and they quickly finished their food and drink.

"Wanna come back to mine?" Roman asked. Virgil just nodded and they left the shop, Roman receiving a hug from Patton on the way out.


The two were strewn across Roman's couch. Virgil had his head in Roman's lap and was staring up at him while Roman played with his hair. The pale boy looked almost sleepy, loving the feeling of fingers combing through his hair.

"You know," Roman began, "I think you're one of the coolest people I've ever met. Also you're adorable. And you're pretty darn smart for a bad boy." Virgil blushed and shook his head. "No, seriously, anyone would be lucky to have you."

"Are you kidding? I have, like, two friends. You and Logan. I can't even make friends with Patton," he sighed.

"Patton would love to be your friend," Roman assured him.

"Yeah, I'd love to be his friend too. He seems so... nice." Virgil started playing with his fingers again.

"He is! Hey, you know what I want? A boyfriend." Virgil looked up at him expectantly.

"We went on our first date just today, Roman."


"But I don't really care, I've been crushing on you for quite some time and I'm impatient. So, wanna be my boyfriend?" Virgil asked. Roman looked annoyed.

"I'm supposed to be the one to ask," he sulked.

"I'll take that as a no then."

"No no no I'll be your boyfriend I'm joking oh my god," Roman blurted out. Virgil laughed as Roman smiled down at him and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I have to tell the others," he insisted, whipping his phone out of his pocket. Virgil sat up and planted himself, cross-legged, next to his now-boyfriend, peering over at his phone.

Roman opened up Snapchat.

"I didn't know you have Snapchat!" Roman just smiled and flipped the camera to front-facing.

"Are you okay with me taking this?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded an affirmation. Roman decided to press a kiss to his cheek, causing him to grin and blush. Roman saved it, adding the caption 'got him ;D', sending it to both Logan and Patton.

Patton immediately responded with a keyboard slam, and a couple of minutes afterward Logan said they look charming.

"Well, my friends approve, unsurprisingly. I always gush to them about you at lunch times." Virgil rolled his eyes.


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