Cheerleader - Pt.8

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(This is dedicated to Jay. bc it's your birthday.)

"Sorry Virgil, I've got a debating meeting until four. It'll just be you and Patton until then." Virgil rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and leaned against the locker beside Logan's.

"You and Roman and your 'after school activities'. Fucking nerds," he teased. Roman playfully glared at Virgil as he walked up to the lockers.

"Oh, shut it would you?" Roman scoffed.

"I'll see you after soccer training. You're showering as soon as you get to my house, by the way." Patton giggled as Roman protested, yelling something about having deodorant. Patton pecked both Roman and Logan on the lips, grabbing Virgil's hand. "Bye, losers," Virgil farewelled rudely. Logan blushed lightly, but Roman flipped Virgil off.

"Oh my goodness, you are horrible to each other," Patton murmured as they walked away, looking up at his boyfriend.

"It's because we're close, babe. We know we don't really mean it." Virgil leaned down and kissed Patton on the cheek.

"So... how do we get to your house? Are your parents picking us up?" Patton asked as they walked out of the school gates. Virgil laughed sarcastically.

"Fuck no." He casually pulled something out of his bag, placing it on the path gently. Patton smiled.

"Is that a skateboard?" Virgil smirked.

"Technically, it's a penny board, but yes." The board had a wooden design on it, with a simple white border.

"How do I get home, then?" Patton whined as Virgil began pulling something out of his bag.

"Well, I scrounged up some money from around the place and I got you these." Virgil pulled out a pair of roller-skates from his bag, and Patton gasped. "I know you can't skate for shit, Logan's told me many times, but I thought maybe you'd like to try anyway." Patton's hands grabbed onto his skirt nervously.

"Promise I won't get hurt?" Virgil nodded in response. Patton squealed, jumping up and kissing Virgil on the lips. "Goodness gracious, you are too good to me, Virge."

Virgil blushed, muttering something incoherent. Patton began putting his new roller-skates on, throwing his shoes into his light pink bag. He grabbed Virgil's hand. "If I break my leg, it's your fault."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to let you fall," Virgil laughed. He jumped onto the penny board, starting to skate. Patton slung his backpack on and followed suit, trying his best to skate without help.

"At least roller skating is easier than ice skating," Patton murmured to himself as he actually managed to get the hang of it. Virgil began to speed up as Patton gained confidence, and soon they were travelling at a jogging pace. Virgil couldn't help but admire Patton's grace on the skates. Even thought he was apparently like a newborn giraffe on the ice, he seemed to be a quick leaner of roller skating.

"Can you do any tricks?" Patton asked Virgil. Virgil nodded in response, albeit shyly.

"On the skateboard, yeah. I'm working on my penny boarding skills, but my favourite is long boarding." Patton nodded.

"You'll have to show me sometime! What's your family like?" Virgil rolled his eyes and sighed, and Patton skated up beside him.

"Dickheads, the lot of them. My parents barely try to accept the fact that Roman and I are dating, even though they claim they do. Dad has a tendency to call me homophobic slurs often, but I'm used to it. I've also got three siblings, they're alright. Sorry if I'm scaring you, I know you're about to meet them." Patton shook his head, gently grabbing Virgil's hand and intertwining their fingers.

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