Cheerleader - Pt.4

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Logan was sitting in their usual spot, the spot where he, Roman, Patton, and Virgil all sat together at lunchtimes. Although, he was alone today. Patton and Roman had an extra cheerleading practice that lunch for the competition coming up the next week, and Virgil went to go watch. Logan would've too, if he didn't need to study for the Chemistry exam he had the next day. He couldn't study at the gym, because, well, Patton would be a minor distraction.

"Hey cutie," someone said from in front of him.

"Hi P- you're not my boyfriend," Logan said, taken aback. A girl, one that he recognised being from Patton's cheerleading team, stood in front of him. He pushed his glasses up his face. "What can I do to help?"

The girl smirked. "Well," she started, "my friends were wondering if you wanted to sit with us. I'm sure you wouldn't mind being surrounded by cheerleaders while you studied, would you?" Logan blinked.

"I already have two annoying cheerleaders to deal with at lunch, I don't need any more. So... I'm good thanks," Logan retorted. Wow, that was... 'savage'. Logan thought about whether he got the usage of the word savage correct that time, furrowing his eyebrows, while the girl stood there in shock.

"Isn't Patton your boyfriend?" Logan looked back up at her.


"You shouldn't be dating him if you think he's annoying," she chided. Logan frowned slightly.

"He's not, I was using sarcasm. About the boys, not you lot. You girls seem to be bitchy, and likely annoying." The girl's jaw dropped, before snapping back closed. She stepped closer, grabbing Logan's chin and bringing their faces less than a centimetre apart.

"Let's see how annoying you find me after-" someone beside them cleared their throat. The girl let him go and backed away slightly, crossing her arms. Logan looked after to find, oh, relief, Patton standing there with a smile on his face. Patton approached and sat next to Logan, resting his hand on Logan's upper thigh.

"I see you've met Natalia," he said, tone unimpressed. Logan was about to say something when Patton cut him off with a quick kiss. "And I recommend, Natalia," he said lowly, a tone indicating warning, "that you stay away from my boyfriend. Or else." Natalia smirked.

"Actually, I wouldn't be so sure of his loyalty, Patton. You see, Logan and I were about to ki-" She stopped dead in her tracks when Patton smiled at her, then kissed Logan again. Logan froze, then, realising this one wasn't as quick as the last, kissed back. He placed his hands on Patton's hips, leaning forward. They heard Natalia stomp away in a huff, and Patton pulled away. The boy had a mischievous twinkle in his eye, making Logan smile.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" Logan asked.

"They didn't even start cheerleading practice, coach had a meeting." Patton pecked him on the lips. "I took a while to change, Roman was distracting me. Being dramatic, you know, the usual. I came just in time to save you from heterosexual contact." Logan laughed.

"Well, actually, now that you're here, would you like to accompany me on a date after school?" Patton's cheeky smile grew into a grin, and he nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Where to? I want to go get ice-cream. Ooh, or maybe we can go ice-skating?"

"Neither of us have classes this afternoon, so we can go wherever you want. We have two spares on a Friday afternoon, remember?"

"Can we leave right now?" Patton asked, eyes shining like the adorable dork he was. Logan nodded in response.

"Let's go."


The couple entered the indoor ice-skating rink, Patton immediately shivering and curling into Logan.

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