Cheerleader - Pt.3

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"No but does he actually like me though," Virgil asked again, watching Roman do his cheerleading practice for the fourth practice in a row.

"Virgil, he literally said you were made for each other."

"No, it was mermaid. 'Is your name Ariel? 'Cause we were mermaid for each other.' It was funny."

"Not to mention the fact that he literally freaked out when you let him take that selfie with you."

"He what?"

"Yeah, he texted us and said something along the lines of 'AHHHHHH HE LET ME TAKE A SELFIE WITH HIM AHHHHHHH'."

"That adorable. He's hot. Have I ever mentioned how hot he his?"

"That's like asking me if I think Patton's cute, Virgil. Yes, you have mentioned how hot he is. In fact, yesterday in English you wrote a full 3 paragraphs just describing his features. Remember that?" Virgil blushed and ducked his head.

Logan quoted, "'His eyes sparkle like the billions of stars in the sky, twinkling like diamonds in a jewellery store. Beautiful freckles litter his face, coloured hazelnut, chocolate, coffee and cinnamon. His magnificent complexion-'"

"Shut up," Virgil grumbled, face crimson red. Logan laughed. Virgil quickly hushed him. "No actually shut up, he's coming over here." Virgil calmed himself, putting on his 'cool kid' mask.

"Hey, nice outfit," Roman complimented, smirking as per usual.

"Thanks, but it's not much different to my usual clothing, Roman." Roman mouth twitched momentarily, before his smirk returned.

"You know what you would look even better in?" Virgil rolled his eyes, waiting for some form of the word 'nude' to come rolling out of his mouth.

"My arms."

Okay, that one got him. Virgil could feel it. His heart rate increased, his palms began sweating, and his face heated up.

Oh fuck.

He was blushing.

In front of Roman.

And he had no makeup on.

Roman's face lit up in a dazzling smile, obviously having noticed the unsubtle blush.

"That one got me, pretty boy." Virgil leaned forward, pushing his face closer to Roman's smiling face. "Cute smile, is that the only thing you can do with those lips?" Roman's face blushed as red as a tomato, and he tried desperately to hide his smile.

"Okay girls! And you two! Break's over!" Roman's stare lingered on Virgil a moment longer, before Patton yanked him away. Virgil felt like his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

"I actually did it. I fucking did it!" Virgil squealed, almost hugging Logan. Logan smiled at him.

"Nice. You should ask him on a date." Virgil looked up in surprise.

"I- I can't- I don't-" Virgil stuttered. He could feel the thoughts beginning- the fact he knew that despite Roman's flirting, it was all an act. He was an actor after all, and a good one at that.

"Just do it. There's no way he'll reject you, Virgil," Logan proclaimed.

"How would you know?" Virgil asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"I've got a dramatic boyfriend. Trust me, I can tell." Logan let out a smile.


Once more, Virgil was anxious.

He was about to ask Actual Roman out on a date.

He was waiting in the locker rooms for Roman to finish training, watching him train made his stomach swirl and heart flutter even more than it already was.

Virgil paced the locker room nervously, thinking of what to say and how to act. Then, voices outside his door.

Patton and Roman.

His breaths became heavy and uneven, he felt like he was running out of air.

"Calm down, Virgil, you're working yourself up," Logan pointed out calmly. Virgil nodded and took a seat next to him, fidgeting with his fingers and picking at his nails. He bounced his leg rapidly, feeling the nervousness and panic steadily increasing.

"Oh, hey Logan!" Patton greeted as he entered the locker room. Roman's eyes widened upon spotting Virgil. Virgil moved his gaze to the floor while the two changed out of their cheerleading clothes. Patton, as usual, was flirting with his boyfriend, leaving the other two to talk.

"I noticed you got a new skirt, it looks good on you," Virgil complimented, referring to the light pink skirt the other was wearing. Roman cheeks dusted over with pink and Virgil smiled.

"Yeah and I go-"

"See you guys later, we're off to work now!" Patton announced, leaving the locker room with Logan's hand in his. Logan mouthed 'good luck' to him and gave a thumbs-up.

"As I was saying, I got a sweatshirt to match. It's like a sweatshirt-hoodie hybrid, see?" Virgil looked up, finding that Roman had only changed shirts. It was a pullover sweatshirt- pastel pink lighter than the skirt. Roman looked incredibly attractive in the outfit, and the fact that he seemed so comfortable and confident in it made him look absolutely dazzling.

"I- you look great." Virgil smiled.

"Thanks," Roman murmured. Virgil tapped his fingers against the wooden bench below him.

"I- uh- say, would you like to go on a date with me to this cute little coffee shop down the road sometime because I think you're pretty hot and really nice and awesome and stuff and like that'd be really cool," Virgil sputtered, losing his cool demeanour. Roman's whole face lit up like a globe.

"Really? I'd love to! When were you thinking we could go?"

"Um uh perhaps, you know, like right now if that doesn't bother you I mean if it does that's totally cool because I'm cool with that you know but whatever," Virgil babbled. He internally face-palmed. Nice one, dumbass.

"Right now's good! I have nothing to do." Roman picked up his school bag, swinging it around his shoulder, then his sports bag, carrying it firm with his muscular arms. Virgil stood up, walking out of the locker rooms next to Roman. He looked up from the ground, giving Roman a shy smile. And, to his surprise, Roman gave him a small smile back.

It actually worked.

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