Cheerleader - Pt.6

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"Okay girls! And you two! Go have a break!" The coach yelled. Roman and Patton walked over to where their water bottles sat. At that exact moment, Roman was struck with, what he thought to be, the best idea of his life.

"Patton, I just had an awesome idea," Roman began. Patton looked up from his phone, curious as to what the idea was that his friend had conjured up. "Let's go get our hair dyed!" Patton grinned at him, already thinking of the colours he could wear on his head.

"Why?" He asked. Patton already knew he wasn't going to deny Roman's request, but curiosity got the better of him. Maybe Logan was rubbing off on him.

"To be gayer," Roman answered, making Patton laugh. Of course. "I mean, we already look hot, and it has gay flair, so..." Patton rolled his eyes, taking a seat and looking up at Roman. "Also, it would increase your sex appeal," Roman stated, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Logan's asexual," Patton deadpanned, causing Roman to blush and apologise. "Besides, I don't think me having blue hair would make me sexy." Roman looked Patton up and down with a smirk.

"I don't think you need to increase your sex appeal, it's already way up there, but it would definitely work," he stated with a wink. "Also, you're getting blue?" Roman asked, surprised he'd already decided. Patton shrugged, desperately trying to hide his blush.

"I don't know, maybe?" He squeaked.

"Alright ladies! And you two! Break's over!" The coach yelled, and both of the boys began to make their way onto the court.

"We'll go this afternoon," Roman decided. Patton nodded, a small smile on his face.


"I think I'm going to get my hair dyed turquoise. It's one of Logan's favourite colours and it just looks good, you know?" Roman nodded in agreement as they walked towards the hairdressers.

"Honestly, I think it'd make you look even cuter than you already do." Patton ducked his head and blushed again, gosh darn it as Roman pulled him into a side-hug and continued walking down the path."I'm going to get this pinkish-red colour. It's technically flamingo pink actually, it's a great colour." Patton looked up the colour 'flamingo pink' on his phone as Roman continued talking, releasing the boy from his grasp. "Yeah, I'm getting it because Virgil thinks I look good in pink and I think I look good in pink and everyone thinks I look good in pink." Patton laughed, agreeing with the statement as he slid his phone into his pocket, the pair entering the hairdressing salon.

Roman quickly told the receptionist what they wanted and the pair sat down on the couch in the waiting room. "Obligatory selfie because you're fucking adorable and so am I." Patton felt his face heat up lightly as Roman pulled out his phone, taking the selfie and uploading it to Instagram, adding the caption 'getting our hair dyed! xx'.

"Patton?" A lady asked. Patton stood up, making his way over to one of the many seats in the salon. They went through the usual wave of questions a began the colouring, as Roman was called up to do the same.

Roman continuously posted pictures of himself and Patton to his story throughout the nearly two-hour process, making Patton protest every time he noticed his fellow cheerleader was filming.

Soon after Patton's hair had been dyed, his phone buzzed in his pocket, showing a text from Logan.

Nerd boi™: You're getting your hair dyed? What? Why? WHY WASN'T I TOLD?!

Patton simply responded with an image of himself and his freshly-dyed turquoise hair. Logan freaked out, talking about how pretty of a colour it was and how he couldn't wait to play with it and run his hands through it, making Patton smile like a lovesick fool.

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