Chapter 1

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I was running, running as fast as I could.... rain hitting me hard in the face. I could hear the police sirens getting closer and closer, i needed to find a way to loose them and quick! If i didn't they'd catch me and my life would certainly be over.

You see I'm a mutant and people don't like us at all, we're hunted everyday. I had been hiding for years amongst the humans, no one suspected a thing until tonight when my sleazy boss got a bit too handsy and i lost control. He reported me and to the authorities and now here i am running for my life!
Humans are afraid if mutants but the truth is, humans are much worse than us they just don't want to admit it.

More police cars turned into the road in front of me blocking me in with the ones already behind stopping me in my tracks..... i stood still breathing heavily, i could already feel the tingle beginning to build all over my body.... little blue sparks beginning to appear up and down my arms. I squeezed my hands into fists trying to hold it back but the truth was i couldn't control it yet... suddenly i felt the explosion of power release itself from my body through my hands.... electric bolts shooting towards the cars. I heard screams and could see officers diving away from the cars seconds before they exploded. When i finally felt in control again i took off running before they could see what direction i went in.

I saw a building up ahead, a day centre for the homeless and run towards to it. I hold my hand over the lock and instantly hear it unlock, i get inside quickly and close the door running into the back room.....I need to catch my breath and think about my next move!
Its not before i notice I'm shivering, i need to get out of these wet clothes. I look around the room and see staff lockers which i rush over to and see if theres anything i can change into. In the 3rd locker i find some black jeans and a white tank top which i quickly change into, their a little big but they will work for now. I spot a leather jacket in the next locker and grab that that too.

I turn around when i hear footsteps and come face to face with a young guy.
"Hey we just wanna talk its okay" he says calmly holding his hands up.
I look at the desk in front of me and see a coffee pot i pick it up and throw it at him but he ducks and it misses "wait a minute.....woah! Woah" he looks at me like I'm crazy as a coffee mugs shoots past his head too.
"Calm down alright" the woman next to him says and its then i realise i know her!
"Lorna....?" I say looking closely at her, she looks at me and i see the recognition in her eyes as they go wide.
"You know her??" The man asks her looking surprised
"Yeah you could say that!" She walked towards me and i run over to wrap my arms around her.
"I cant believe its you!" I say suddenly feeling a lot better about my situation.
"Where have you been?? We looked for you"
"Its a long story...."
"Care to introduce me?" The guy asked from behind and we stepped away from each other to look at him.
"Marcos this is Hayley"
"Wait.... Hayley Hayley??" He asked looking surprised and Lorna nodded at him.
"What does that mean?" I asked like i was missing something.
"Oh nothing" he shook his head.
"how did you find me?" I asked
"Guys!" I heard a new voice say making me look up.... only it wasn't a new voice, id heard it plenty of times before.
"Johnny" i whispered as my heart started racing at the site of the man in front of me.
"Hale's....." he stared at me with wide eyes, now i understood how they found me! John was a tracker, its what he did.... i shouldve known.
"we got trouble" he finally said before leading the way to the front of the building "what is it?" Marcos asked him looking around.
"Cops and a lot of them" John replied.
"Kill the lights" Marcos said to Lorna, she lifted her hands and all the lights exploded in the room and outside leaving us in darkness .
Soon enough we heard the sirens...... then Cop cars started surrounding the building.

We all hid staying out of site but they knew we were here.
"Send out the fugitive! we know your in there" an officer called.
"I don't know how much use I'm gonna be when this starts" i admitted nervously.
"What do you mean?" John asked from close behind me making me jump, i didn't know he was there.
"I cant control my powers....."
"Of course you can i've seen you use your powers, your one of the best....."
"Telekinesis yes but these are new, its like an electrical charge i cant control.... thats why i'm in this mess Johnny" i looked at him scared id hurt my friends "If it starts knock me out.... i don't want to hurt anyone".
"Knock you out??! You want me to punch you??"
"You two okay over there?" Lorna asked drawing my attention her way.
"Yeah" i nodded quickly
"She wants me to punch her...." John started to say to Lorna
"Only if i start to loose control! I don't want to hurt you!!" I snapped
"Come out now or we will open fire!" The cops called again. Lorna stood in front of the window just long enough to blow all their lights and the tannoy.

Seconds later gunfire was hitting the building, the windows exploding around us. I felt John push me behind him shielding me from any stray bullets that may come my way, what with him being bullet proof and all.
"Lorna!" I heard Marcos shout at her, she was still near the front doors and in the firing line.
"Im okay just find us a way out!" She called.
"Stay with me!" John said to me grabbing my hand and running across the room.
He kicked opened a locked metal door that led out to the back ally.
"Come on this way!" He told me, i looked behind and saw Lorna and Marcos running out behind us.
Everyone was here it was going to be okay!

Suddenly i heard a gun shot and Marcos yelled out in pain making us all turn towards him.
"Marcos!!" Lorna cried and the next thing i knew she was using her ability to slam the officer into the dumpster....John was dragging Marcos into the car while he called out for Lorna.
It was then i noticed the officers coming through the door we had just escaped from.
I walked towards them raising my hand to throw them back away from Lorna, more came through and tasered her. Seeing my friend in danger and in pain pissed me off! I instantly started to feel the crackle of electricity start to roll over my body.
"Hayley no!!" I heard John shout but it was only faint.... all i could see was Lorna on the floor surrounded by police but before i had the chance to do anything everything went black.

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