Chapter 25.

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We finally arrived at a huge house in the middle of nowhere, we all got out the cars and stood looking up at it with wide eyes.... we were not used to having such a nice place to use as our base.
"I thought we were coming to a safe house?" Marcos said sounding a little unsure of where we had been taken.
"It is safe" One of the of the twins said, I'm not sure which one, i honestly didn't care anymore!
"And it's a house"
"Hence the term"
"It's just so... bougie" Clarice added looking surprised.
"Well, if it'll make you feel more at home, we could bring in some mold, smash some holes in the floor...." Esme said looking at Clarice.
"Don't worry about it. It's fine" John assured them rolling his eyes as he put his arm around me keeping me close.
"I'll see them inside" Esme told her sisters before leading the way inside the house.

"There's a full security system, and we're set up for a variety of interrogation methods" Esme explained as she walked into one of the main downstairs rooms that held all kinds of equipment. "Although, I should be able to extract any information we need" she added with her eyes flashing blue, they did that when she was using her ability!
"And you have a fully stocked bar because....?" Clarice asked.
"Breaking Campbell could take a while" Esme shrugged "Why live in squalor? The X-Men started your little crew before they vanished. Our founders, they left us with more than a pat on the back and encouraging words" She added looking smug.
"You're talking about the Brotherhood" John stated looking over at her.
"So he's pretty and clever" Esme said walking towards John, she stopped in front of us and looked at me smiling. Was she trying to get a reaction from me??
"In half an hour our ticket into the summit will be driving down a road near here. We best get ready" she simply said before walking away.
"I hate her so much" i mumbled under my breath, I heard John chuckle and tighten his arm on me so he must have heard.

Esme had taken us girls upstairs to give us rooms to change in, Marcos and John had stayed downstairs in the office. I didn't like the fact we were all split up so i decided to go find Lorna and Clarice. I stopped outside one of the rooms when i heard Esme talking quietly to someone.
"Sometimes it seems like you're the only one who knows what needs to get done" she was saying  "Your boyfriend...."
"Okay, let's not bring him into this!" I heard Lorna snap, she was pissed.
"Look, just because he's concerned doesn't mean he knows what's best"
"I'm not discussing this with you"
"Lorna, you can do things others can't.
Your friends, they don't...."
"Stop talking about my friends!" Lorna shouted and then i heard a loud crash that made me jump, i carefully looked in and saw the furniture all smashed into the corner of the room.
"Not bad. You've been getting stronger lately, haven't you? I can see your father's power in you. You know, some people think pregnant women are fragile. But there is nothing stronger than a woman with something to fight for" Esme simply said.
"You got that right" i stepped into the room making my presence known "i don't know what kind of game your playing Esme but stop trying to get in our heads. We might be working with you but we sure as hell don't trust you.... or like you for that matter"
"Hayley I'm not sure what you heard....."
"I heard enough, now get out"
She turned and left me alone with Lorna
"Don't let her get in your head Lorn!"
"Im trying but.... She has this crazy idea that Magneto is my father..... keeps comparing us...."
"So what if he is? He hasn't been part of your life....he has no influence over you!"
"What if I'm like him...."
"Stop it! Thats crap! I never met my dad either and my mum.... well she was a mess you know that. I decide who i am, my choices are my own. You and John are my family.... and now Marcos, you are the ones who taught me what was right and what was wrong..... and I'm hoping we did the same for you"
"I cant help this feeling i keep getting...."
"Maybe Esme is messing with you, making you feel this way. Just keep your guard up around her Lorna"
"I will" she nodded reaching over to give me a hug "we better go downstairs we need to get this Bennett guy"
"Okay lets go".

Safe Haven - The Gifted - Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora