Chapter 5

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John's POV

"Johnny" i heard a faint voice calling to me in the distance "Johnny??"
I woke with a start and leaned forward expecting to see Hayley awake but she was still laying there motionless.
I turned and saw Sonia standing in my doorway, she looked down at Hayley then back at me.
"You stayed with her all night?" She asked looking pissed at me.
"Yeah i did, why?" I shrugged casually.
"I just thought she'd be in the infirmary recovering"
"I wanted to keep her close incase anything happened"
"So what? You hoping to pick up where you two left off before she disappeared?"
"She didn't choose to leave me! Sentinel Services captured her and held her prisoner for a year!!" I shouted standing from my chair, i run my hands through my hair restlessly "while she was going through god knows what, i was here with you!" I shook my head disgusted with myself.
"You thought she was dead Johnny of course you moved on"
"I never moved on Sonia..... i was just trying to forget the love of my life"
"The love of your life...? But what about me??" She scoffed crossing her arms.
"Im sorry but whatever we had is over Sonia, we had already agreed that it should stop if we were working together. Its not like we were in a relationship.... you need to keep your distance. You should leave" i turned my back on her and sat back down next to Hayley.

Hayley's POV
Everything was finally silent.
Had i been dreaming?? I didn't really have any memory of what had happened, i remember hearing pieces of conversations happening around me but that was it.  I had tried to open my eyes but my eyelids felt so heavy.... it was then i had heard it..... John! I could hear him!!
"please wake up. I need you here with me... come back to me" i could hear him saying but he sounded so far away.
I tried screaming out for him but nothing was happening.... i could feel myself getting stronger but i still couldn't wake up.

After what seemed like an eternity my eyes slowly fluttered open.....I looked around the room and found i was alone. The room was quite dark which i was thankful for, it helped my eyes adjust to my surroundings more. The room was simple all it held was the bed i was laying in and a dresser with a lamp on top of it and some personal items next to it. This was Johnnys room, i could smell him on the sheets.... a smell i would never forget.

I slowly got up from the bed and after getting my balance and feeling more steady on my feet i headed for the door.
I slowly walked outside and looked for anyone familiar.....i was getting stares from people i had never seen before which was making me feel uneasy.
Why were they looking at me like that??
I looked up ahead and through a doorway i recognised Marcos, he was stood facing me while looking at something on the table in front of him. I headed towards him, at least i knew he was a friend.

As i got closer he looked up and saw me, his eyes went wide as if he was surprised to see me then he smiled. I watched him turn and say something to someone i couldn't see and seconds later John appeared in the doorway.
He was holding a mug which he quickly put down and then he was rushing me!
Before i knew it he had wrapped his arms around me and was holding me tight to him.
"Your awake!!" He said quietly in my ear "are you okay??" He asked taking a step back to look at me.
"Im fine Johnny, i feel a little weak but I'm okay" i replied nodding to him.
"You scared the shit outta me Hales" he told me resting his forehead against mine.
"What happened??...."
"You dont remember anything??"
"No" i replied shaking my head.
"There she is" Marcos said from behind John and i looked to see him smiling at me.
"Move aside John its my turn" he laughed before stepping forward and pulling me into a hug "I'm glad your okay Hayley" he said as he released me and stepped back.
I looked around and noticed the state of the place... it was chaos.
"Did I do all this?" I asked them already knowing deep down that i did.
"With a little help from me" Clarice said appearing beside me "you cant take all the blame"
"But your both okay and no one was hurt" Marcos added "we're all good".
"Im.... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here....." i said quickly and turned to leave. I had to get away from here i couldn't risk peoples lives just because i cant control my ability!
"Hayley wait!" I heard John call after me but i just carried on.
"Hey!" He easily caught up with me and pulled me to a stop "will you just talk to me?"
"I cant do this Johnny....."
"Come here" he took my hand and led me back to his room.
"None of this is your fault Hayley, this is the best place for you to be"
"Not while i cant control my ability!"
"Johnny....." a new voice said from across the room.
"What?!!" He snapped turning to face them.
"Sorry i didn't know you had company" she said casually looking at me, i recognised her instantly..... Sonia!
"Hayley your awake.... thats great" she smiled but it was forced i could tell. She didn't like me being here at all, i caught the looks she gave John too.
"I didn't know you were here too Sonia, no one mentioned that you were part of all this" i said looking at John who was suddenly avoiding all eye contact with me. I knew Sonia from before, she was once one of my best friends but she'd always had a thing for John.
"Johnny do you have a minute?" She asked him fluttering her eyelashes, it was almost laughable.
"Not right now no! Can you just give us a minute here please?" He snapped at her, she huffed and walked off.
"What was that about?" I asked him once we were alone.
"Really Johnny?? She calls you Johnny..... I'm the only one you ever let call you that"
"Hayley its not what you think?"
"Come on John I'm not stupid!!" I yelled suddenly feeling betrayed and very angry at him. I knew deep down i shouldn't be..... he thought i was dead, of course he was going to move on eventually.....
"Hayley..... it was nothing i swear. I was just lonely.... i needed to get you out of my system before i went crazy"
"And you chose her?! You knew she had a thing for you when we were together.... this was never just a casual thing for her! I mean god she even calls you Johnny.... and you let her!"
"Your pissed because she calls me Johnny??...." he didn't seem to understand why that little fact was pissing me off "it doesn't mean anything!"
"Well it does to me" i said coldly grabbing my jacket from the chair and walking out of the room.
"Hayley!" He called following me out and down the stairs "stop! Why are you so pissed about this??"
"You wouldn't understand John!"
"Dont do that...."
"You know what...."
"I have no idea what you mean John"
"It doesn't mean anything so why you bothered?" I shrugged
"Okay i get it" he sighed looking at me with pleading eyes.
"I don't think you do" i said before continuing to head out of the compound, i needed some fresh air.
"Hayley.....we can come back from this right?" John said from behind me.
"I don't know John, i just don't know" i said without looking back at him and then continued on my way outside.
He didn't follow me which was good but part of me wished he had come after me, maybe i was too hard on him??

Once i was outside i found a quiet spot with no one around and fell to my knee's finally giving in to the tears that had been threatening to escape while John and I were arguing.
I needed to decide where my place was.... did i belong here or did i need to leave?

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