Chapter 16

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"All right, listen up" John said to everyone after we gathered in the command room "Been talking with the other stations, Sentinel Services is ramping up surveillance across the board. So it looks like things are gonna get worse before they get better"
"Well, how much worse? With all these new refugees coming in, we're running out of food, blankets, everything" Lorna added.
"I heard Marietta might have some supplies....I can head up there this afternoon" Marcos casually said from beside Lorna.
"Alright. How's it coming with the hard drives from Baton Rouge?" John turned to Sage and Reed who were sat at the computers.
"We're working on cracking them" Sage told him "the bad news is they're encrypted"
"But the good news is it probably means that there's something worth hiding" Reed smiled.
"Okay, if we don't figure out how they're turning mutants against us, none of this is gonna matter. We got a lot of work to do....Let's get to it" John finished up the meeting and people started to leave to get to their tasks.
"Hey, these supplies... I can go with you" i heard Lorna say to Marcos.
"No. No, you got training to do. I already talked to them, I got this" he gave her a quick kiss and left. Lorna looked over at me and gave me a sad smile before heading out to start training the kids, she had been training Lauren, Andy and some other kids that had showed up how to use their powers to defend themselves.
"You okay?" John asked walking over to me, i nodded and gave him a smile.
"Im good.... did Marcos seem a little off to you?"
"No more than usual" he shrugged causing me so shove him playfully with my hip "im gonna go see if Lorna needs any help training the kids"
"Okay, i'll see you later" he grabbed me for a kiss then went back to his work.

I found Lorna and some of the kids on one of the abandoned floors, debris littered the floors... piles of concrete, broken tiles etc. Lorna was gathering a pile of tiles at the bottom of the stairs when i walked in.
"Hey, need a hand?" I offered
"Sure, you fancy showing these kids how its done?" She smiled at me.
"Why not, for old times sake huh?.... i could probably use the practice" i laughed, Lorna used the same method with me all those years ago... this was like a trip down memory lane for us.
"Yeah right, Hayley you've got it down now.... your one of the best i know"
I shook my head at her, everyone was so confident in the control i had with my abilities... me not so much!
"Guys, i want you to watch this.... see how Hayley uses her powers to defend herself...." she nodded her head towards me signalling me to get into place. I walked out in front of her and got ready for her attack, she didnt even give me a heads up she just launched a chunk of a concrete tile towards me! I held my hand up and the rock stopped inches from my face before i swung my arm to the left throwing it aside. When i looked at Lorna she was grinning at me... then she threw more at me, they came at me fast but i deflected them all with ease.
"That all you got Lorn?" I asked cocking my head to the side with a smile, she let out a laugh before shaking her head "i trained you well Hale's"
"I have to agree" i heard John's voice suddenly as he slowly walked down the stairs towards us.
"Hey" i smiled as i walked over to him, did he look angry??
"Guys your turn.... line up" Lorna called from behind carrying on with the lesson.
"On your right!" She called out before tossing a tile at Andy who was blindfolded, i watched as he held his hands up to the right exploding the tile into dust.
"Skyler, duck!" She called throwing one at the boy who was around Andy's age, Skyler ducked and held his hands up to deflect the tile.
"Here to train?" She turned towards us but looked past us, Reed was coming down the stairs.
"No, no, no. No. Uh, I need to talk to Andy"
"Hey" Andy walked over to his dad while Lorna carried on with the others.
"How's it going?"
"Good. You know, at least if we get attacked by some tiles, I'll be ready. What's up?"
"Where's your sister?...." Reed was saying to Andy.
"Hayley can i talk to you?" John said quietly in my ear getting my attention.
"Yeah sure" i smiled "Lorna you okay here if i go? John needs me"
"Yeah I'm good" she smiled before launching another tile.
We walked up the stairs together and he pulled me to a stop when we were out of earshot of the others.
"Whats wrong?" I asked seeing the look on his face.
"What the hell were you doing?!" He sounded pissed!
"When?" I was so confused right now, what the hell did he mean??
"Just now!"
"Erm training....."
"Hayley you were letting Lorna throw large lumps of concrete at you!"
"Right..... its not like we haven't done it before. Johnny what is this about?? We've trained together like that before... you have been the one throwing things at me remember?"
"This is different!" He snapped
"How??! Why are you making a big thing out of this??" Then it hit me "wait is this about the baby!?" I whispered.
"Yes!! You cant be reckless like this anymore Hayley!"
"Johnny, its really sweet that your so protective but I'm fine, i promise"
"I don't like it Hale's! Its just an unnecessary risk!"
"Okay, if it makes you feel better i wont let Lorna throw rocks at me anymore" i shrugged.
"Are you even taking this seriously...." he started to say, i stood in front of him and placed my hands flat on his chest.... i looked up into his eyes and i could see how worried he was "I am taking this seriously i swear, but you need to remember that i might need to fight... we're at war babe. You really think Sentinel Services will care if I'm pregnant??"
"I don't want you putting yourself in any danger...."
"And i don't want you risking your life either.... but I'm sure it wont stop you, its who you are.... you protect people even if it means putting yourself in danger"
"Its different Hayley i cant get hurt...."
"Sentinel Services would find a way if they caught you. Those collars they use would take away your abilities and you'd be just as vulnerable as the rest of us"
He looked away from me and i knew he understood my point, he didn't like it but i was right "so you have to promise me you'll be more careful, we need you here.... your family needs you".
John nodded and leant down to kiss me "I'm not going anywhere"
"And i promise i'll be careful when I'm training, i wont do anything that would put the baby in harms way. But i have to be ready i cant just sit here and do nothing"
"Okay, i guess i will just have to accept that"
"Come on, i need to go check in with Clarice".

Safe Haven - The Gifted - Book OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant