Chapter 6

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"Hey are you okay?" I heard Marcos say from behind me, it startled me because i didn't think anyone saw me come out here. I quickly wiped my eyes and nodded "I'm fine" i said not turning to look at him. One look at me and he would see i was not fine.
"Hayley, your a bad liar" he replied, his voice closer this time. Then i felt him sit beside me and put his arm around me pulling me into a hug.....This act of kindness just set me off again and i sobbed into Marcos's side.
"You wanna talk about it?" He offered.
"I just..... don't worry. Your John's friend its not fair on you"
"Hey, I'm your friend too" he smiled and me and i let out a soft chuckle.
"I don't even know why I'm so upset.... I think its just everything thats happened the past couple of days. I never really dealt with the whole being captured thing.... i got out and all i worried about was staying safe, keeping John & Lorna safe. Then i had the thing with my boss.... thats just to start" i shook my head "I'm struggling to control this new ability and contributed to the whole portal mess that happened....."
"That wasn't your fault Hayley, I'm partly to blame i pulled you through with me"
"You weren't to know"
"Neither were you" he said with a cocky grin making me laugh "look it was an accident, no one got hurt"
"I still feel responsible..... if i could just control this ability...."
"How did you control it in the detainment centre?"
"I didn't have to, they had specially made collars for each mutant.... they suppressed our abilities. If you tried to use your abilities the collar would shock you so hard..... i can still feel it" i told him, my hand going to my neck automatically.....I think part if me was making sure it was definitely gone.
"How did you escape?"
"They were moving me to more secure unit, i had a small window of opportunity and i took it"
"You think Lorna's going through the same thing?" He asked me sadly.
"I hope not, i wouldn't wish that upon my worse enemy".

We sat in silence for a few minutes, grateful for each others company.
"I should go.... i'll be dark soon" i said breaking the silence.
"I'll get a bed sorted for you" Marcos said getting to his feet.
"I didn't mean here....."
"What?? Your leaving??" He asked with wide eyes " why?"
"I just think its best if I'm alone....."
"Bullshit, what happened with John?"
I shook my head as i got to my feet "nothing"
"Come on Hayley, talk to me"
"I cant....."
"He'll be pissed if you leave...."
"I don't care!!" I snapped "I'm pissed at him okay!"
"I know about him and Sonia"
"Oh..... well then you know its nothing to worry about?"
"She's in love with him!"
"Maybe but he doesn't feel the same" Marcos said quickly "Look, Hayley, John's my best friend but I'm not just saying this.... he loves you. When you were sick, I've never seen him so worried.....He never left your side"
Marcos told me "he ended things with Sonia ages ago but i think she's convinced she can worm her way back in"
"I think the thing that hurts the most is that he moved on so quickly.... he says he loves me..... how could he sleep with her so quickly Marcos?? Id only been gone a couple of months"
"Maybe it was his way of dealing with everything" he shrugged " i remember when i first met John, he was a mess.
Id never known what he was like before but Lorna told me how different he was when he had you in his life. It was hard to imagine him caring about anything.... when we started this place it gave him something to distract him from the loss and the pain, and slowly he started becoming John again.... or so Lorna told me" he smiled, he smiled whenever he mentioned her name i noticed.
"Ive seen a change in John ever since he saw you in that shelter. I can finally see who he used to be.... his got a fire in him again and thats because of you Hayley. If you leave him again it'll kill him"
"Its not that easy though.... I'm so angry Marcos. What if that anger triggers my ability again and i loose control.... i could someone next time" i said "and the thought of loosing John again kills me.... but I'm not sure i can forgive him, Not yet anyway"
"Then Don't, make him work for it. Make him prove to you how much you mean to him. Look, John's the best trainer, he can help you control your ability. And maybe the time you spend together will help you two get closer again".
"Fine! I'll stay"
"Good, besides I'm gonna need your help getting Lorna back"
"I'll do whatever i can to help get her back.....You've got my word".

Safe Haven - The Gifted - Book Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें