Chapter 20.

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"What the hell happened??!" I asked John once we were all in the car and speeding away from the lab.
"Sentinel services have them.... Clarice, Sonia and the Strucker kids"
"It should have been so simple!! I cant believe this" i said with tears in my eyes.... this was bad.
"We need to get back to HQ... Reed and Caitlin are beside themselves....." John said keeping his eyes on the road.
"I cant imagine what they must be feeling right now" i said sadly resting my hand against my stomach, John reached over placing his hand on top of mine making me look over at him "we have to get them all back" i said to him.

"Okay, well, I say we go now, since everyone's still in holding. I mean, Reed and I were locked up in there together......We know the whole layout" Lorna said when we were back at HQ discussing our next move.
"You want to hit Sentinel Services Are you crazy?!!" Reed yelled at her.
"Don't call me crazy"
"Okay, everyone take it easy" Marcos started to say before Reed interrupted him "She wants to launch an attack on the heels of what we just went through, with no way in. Which part of that doesn't sound crazy to you?"
"Okay, do I have to remind you that it's not just our people that are in there? - They have your kids, too" Lorna said matter of factly.
"We saw men with guns cart away our kids while they cried for our help, so, no, you sure as hell don't" Caitlin snapped at Lorna
"I'm not agreeing on a plan that puts them in more danger" Reed added before everyone started shouting at once.
The room irrupted with everyone arguing.... i turned to look at John and  he looked pissed!! I saw him clench his fist and lower his head.... his was gonna loose it.
"That's enough!" He yelled slamming his fist on the desk infront of him and smashing it to bits...... the room was silent instantly as they all turned to look at him.
"There is no more "yours" or "ours". Andy and Lauren, Sonia and Clarice. They're all our people now" he stated looking around at everyone.
"Turning their jail cells into a shooting gallery hurts everyone" Reed said looking straight at John.
"Maybe. But it's just a matter of time before Campbell gets his hands on them and turns them into Hounds. If that happens, this place is finished.....It might already be finished" Lorna said getting worked up.
"There are people we can talk to..."
"What, we write our congressman and hope for the best? If we have to shed blood sooner or later, I vote for sooner" she told them honestly.
"That's our blood you're talking about.
Some of us almost died the last time we tried something like this" Caitlin yelled at Lorna
"I know people in the courts, the government, even Sentinel Services" Reed carried on trying to get theough to Lorna.
"Last time you tried that, we almost got killed!"
"Okay, it was your "low risk" assault that got us into this situation" Caitlin yelled at Lorna causing Marcus to step in.
"Look, guys! The enemy is not in this room. We're all in this together. And we should set up some scouts at Sentinel Services and Trask. Maybe they can get eyes on our people"
"Marcos is right, We can send out Sage and Shatter" John agreed trying to calm it down "And also check in with our police contacts. We are gonna fight to get everyone home. But we need to remember, we're on the same side".

After everything that had happened i needed to be alone, so i went up onto the roof for some fresh air. Things seemed to be getting worse with every passing day! I just wanted us to be able to try and have a normal life!
"You all right?" I heard John ask from behind me, i shrugged my shoulders and shook my head "How do you think I am? Sentinel Services has my friend" i said sadly, i was worried about them all but Clarice and I had become real good friends and i hated the thought of her in that place!
"We're working on it"
"Working on it......How? By talking to the Struckers about lawyers?" I sighed, i was with Lorna on this one we needed to do something, we couldn't rely on lawyers or any other contacts they may have.
"Don't be too hard on them. They came from that world. You know, part of them still believes in it. Still trusts it"
"What, so they get a pass forever?" I turned to face him "They're allowed to cozy up to the people that hate us?"
"Hayley, their kids are in there"
"I know. But I think about our own kid.
And the world we're bringing that baby into......It's not fair"
"I know" he nodded pulling me into his arms placing a kiss on my head.

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