Dating Dean Winchester would include

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-meeting each other by accident when you, a retired hunter and cop, arrested him for trespassing

-him flirting with you the whole time and you pretending not to like it

-him getting super jealous all the time cause in his mind you're way too good for him

-really he gets jealous of anyone that so much as looks at you

-he once threatened a guy for complimenting the band on your shirt

-helping each other during hunts

-*casually discussing dinner plans while decapitating a vamp*

-him telling you the cheesiest pick up lines even even after you started dating

-"hey baby, if I flip a coin, what are the chances of me getting head?"

-"Dean we are in the middle of sex."

-Sam loving you because you make his brother so happy

-Sam having many mental scars from walking in on you two because Dean likes to do it around the bunker

-staying up late with Dean just talking or cuddling when he can't sleep

-you always wanting to cuddle with him

-he acts like he doesn't like it but secretly he probs loves it more than you do

-him not knowing what he did to deserve you

-tag team hustlers

-you distract the guy while dean takes the money

-him being completely and utterly in love with you

-like seriously he didn't know he could feel that much until you came around

-you loving him back just as much

-you and Sam bonding over embarrassing stories of dean's childhood.

-"He used to dress up as batman everyday."

-"Shut up Sam!"

-having little fights about dumb things that neither of you really care about

-make up sex afterwards

-having huge fights which include screaming and throwing things, and one of you ends up storming out

-the other waiting up until they get back

-intense make up sex afterwards

-him being the best guy you've ever been with, in all aspects (wink wink)

-him cooking breakfast for you since he almost always wakes up first

-him laying in bed watching you because you're just so beautiful

-he get turned on by like everything that you do

-bite your lip, turned on, bend over turned on, looking his direction, turned on

-you trying your best to help him with the mark of Cain

-your whole world falling down around you when you hear that he's dead

-nearly sobbing the whole time when he comes back as a demon and tried to kill you and Sam

-Demon Dean coming on to you and trying to convince you to come with him but you refuse, knowing he's not your Dean

-when it's all over, he hates himself for hurting you but you reassure him it wasn't his fault and you still love him

-make up sex afterwards

-just being the ultimate power couple

-being called "sweetheart"

 -him putting his arm around you when other guys stare at you

-making him pie

- private games of strip poker

-the best burgers you've ever tasted

- making love in the Impala

-arguing over who's the funniest Stooge

-fighting over being reckless on a hunt

- taking him fishing on a pier at a private lake when he needs a break

- wearing only one of his plaid shirts to bed

-him trying to distract you while you're doing research

- him holding your hand when Sam's not looking

- him flirting with you to make Sam uncomfortable

-him making you sit in his lap while he cleans you up after a close call on a hunt

-dressing up as an anime character for his birthday

-him holding your hand while you get your anti-possession tattoo

-nights cuddled together watching DVD's

-him taking care of you when you're sick

-him side-seat driving the first time he lets you drive his car

-competitiveness in the shooting range (loser cleans the kitchen for a week)

- making sure he knows how much you love him

-feeling like you are the most precious thing on the planet

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