Dating Loki would include

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Trying to make him calm down whenever he gets angry about something

Being the reason why he's slowly stopping to be obsessed about being a king

I mean, he still wants to be a king, but you make him realize that he's only hurting innocent people and that he's drifting away from his goal whenever he does something like what happened in New York

Hugging him everytime he wakes up from a nightmare (which happens almost all the time)

Reading poems to each other because Loki is """crazy""" but he enjoys good art

Convincing him to apologize to Thor and Odin

"You have a good heart deep down, Loki"

Fighting with him about it

But at the end he realizes you're right

Odin forgiving Loki because of you

Moving in with him to a not so distant planet from Asgard, since he doesn't feel comfortable on Earth for obvious reasons

But vising it sometimes because he knows you miss home

Having a small garden with him, where both of you plant different flowers and fruits

Passionate and long kisses because he can't get enough of your lips

Also extremely passionate and slow sex because he wants you to feel how much he loves you

Loki reaching out for your hand whenever he feels anxious, nervous or sad

Him wrapping you with his whole body while sleeping

He loves to cuddle, is like one of his favorite things to do

Teaching him how to cook because he never actually learned how to

Trying to make breakfast for you

Loki being such a sweet tooth

Begging you to make chocolate and super sweet cakes

Him teaching you how to appreciate teas because he drinks a lot of it (seriously, A. LOT.)

Braiding his hair while he's sleeping on your lap

"I can feel you braiding my hair, dear..."

He secretly loves when you do that, but he will never admit it

One of Loki's most lovely habits is to caress your skin

I mean, seriously, he's always slowly running his fingers on your arm, back, thigh, hand, anywhere

Him calling you "my angel"

Him waking up before you but staying on bed because he loves to watch you sleep

And Loki trying to believe, every single day, that you're actually there and that he has you

Because it's almost unreal for him the fact that he has someone who loves him for what he is - especially after everything he knows he did

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