Dating Lucifer would include

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Lucifer being extremely protective of you and threatening to harm or even kill anyone who got too close to you or hurt you.
Him only showing you his more fragile side and you feeling extremely lucky/proud that he feels so comfortable around you that he can be himself and not have his walls up.
You would be the only person that Lucifer would show any affection towards (kisses, hugs, emotions)
Lucifer thinking it is extremely hot whenever you command his demons around and they all scamper away from you in terror.
You and him constantly making jokes in public about him being 'such a little devil' and 'basically Satan'.
On hot summer days, you and Lucifer would cuddle up close together just so his cold temperature could help cool you down.
There would be lots of kisses/hot make out sessions and you and Lucifer would have a bunch of hot kinky sex in every room of the bunker.
Him making sure that you are never stressed and that you are always being treat like the queen you are.

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