Kenny the ripper

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As my eyes flutter open I am met with a dark room with a brown wooden door a few feet away from me. I look down on myself and see that i am tied up with leather straps on my legs and wrists, I struggle against the restraints so I can escape the dark damp room. After a few minutes of struggling I lay limp on the moist floor and a little bit of my blood surrounding me I now have a weapon I can defend myself with I thought as soon as I thought that a bright red flashing light went off in my room I walked towards the wooden door and listened to things outside hearing multiple of load footsteps people shouting what seemed to be orders I guess some sort of military is here then they can save me from where ever this is I backed away with a smile placed on my face as I backed away so my back is touching the cold wall behind me as I was waiting to be rescued.

Suddenly the door broke and I was met with a young man in his twenties he began to speak " I am a member of the garrison I have been sent to save you can you follow me" I slowly stepped forward hesitant to go with a man I have just met I have trust issues don't be mad at me I was about arms distance away from the man in the garrison and he got shot in the head all of his blood going over me leaving me stinking of blood and sweat a man with a long coat and a hat came into view I immediately regretted ever to go with that young child down here only to see him

Thank you for reading and I will hopefully update everyday
Lots of love lg

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