Young child? Who is it?

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Hey guys so I decided to try to continue this story I have a few ideas so I thought during lockdown that I could write some of this and see how it goes

Levi's pov:
We just stole the young woman I don't know how old she is or what her name is? But apparently she is worth a lot from some old rich man that my uncle is hoping to get some money out of him for her life.

Your POV:
This child kept looking at me I heard the older man talk about them being Ackermans and that they are really dangerous and could kill me on no time flat so I decided fighting is not a good idea and I would rather just corporate with them for now until my dads men come to find me I mean he is the richest man in the walls of paradise so he surely has the man pier and the money to buy whoever he needs to make sure that I am safe it just might take some time before they arrive so I have to make sure that I record whatever they do so I can track there whereabouts when they come to kill them for taking me I mean if that garrison guard found me then my dad must know that I am missing and have been kidnapped so I will wait for him to save me.

She sat there while Levi and Kenny were waiting for the garrison to arrive at the door they were smart enough to make sure that they were in the other area from which they lived in to make sure that they didn't track them there and have no where to be safe especially when Kenny was going to leave after this mission he wanted to live above ground where he was going to be safe and make sure his family is safe and protected from the current king (well royal king).

Time skip
Over this time skip you found out that your dad only wanted you to make kids and make sure that his family had a heir but as soon as he was aware that his wife was having a son he told everyone to stop looking for you so as the town progressed Kenny left Levi to look after you and you and Levi have become boyfriend and girlfriend after hitting the age of 16 and 17 years old we found some friends along the way called farlen ( sorry I don't know how to spell it and auto correct is being a pain) and Isabel we have become quite the gang and everyone within the underground has become scared of out little group I have become beautiful as when the rest of them are asleep I go out and do my other job which is making sure the guards are satisfied to make sure they give me food and money and to also make sure that they stay away from me and my group so when we go out on our 3D maneuver and get chased I know that it is not the military police and become worried but I can't tell Levi or the others since we have to make sure that get away but just who are they?

Your POV:
People with green capes and maneuver gear chase after us and with me and Levi together and the others become separated from us which scares me since they are no longer protected form my protection of my powers with me and Levi the strongest out of us all in the entire underground everyone helps us or just stays away from us knowing that we are troublemakers and they don't want to handle the military police when they mess with me, after being caught by the tall blond and his gang I realise I can't use my abilities on any of them which frustrates me the only person I can use It on is Levi within my range of my abilities as this blond sits and questions Levi I spot the others arriving around a corner and me and Levi drop and give in to this persons questioning and just do what he says which is come to the surface and fight of these beasts which I know a lot about from my abilities (well memories) we travel to the top and we all become blinded form the massive sun but after we all become used to it we start training so that we can kill with me and Levi being the best out of our group but only real time can tell and let's hope that we come out of this mission alive.

Levi's pov:
So it's been 2 years since me and (y/n) have started going out and I was planning on proposing soon maybe after this mission but I am trying to plan to make sure that it's romantic I have been saving up to buy a ring for a little over a year so yesterday I went out and bought a beautiful ring to suit her well I hope she likes it.

The next day
So today's the day of the big mission where we are all in danger and where we can finally kill Erwin all of last night I was reviewing the plan of my proposal as soon as we are in private I will pull her to the side and make sure that she is receiving a pink rose for every step that she is closer to me by the cadets that have agreed to do this and at the end of the path way with my in my knees and a ring behind my back ready for her to arrive and pop the question.

Your POV:
The first time I felt a Titan it was close to me and all I thought was that it was going to die and within the second it was dead from none other then me as there was no one within the area that could have killed it within the time limit from it arriving near us and it dying.

Hey guys thanks for reading this if you made it this far? So this was a very long chapter for me took me about 20 mins but it took a lot of planning and thinking so if you could leave a comment on this it would help and encourage me to write more on this book and also sorry for the time skips but within the underground there not much that you can do it's mostly above ground where you become a beast which I have kinda mentioned in this anyway thanks for reading again I love you LG

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