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The Evening of the bridge collapse, Mr Adler was at his home watching the video of the bridge melting into two and Someone in the gauntlets suit used it to save everyone on the bridge and stop the melting, this gave him the utmost concern, he was happy that after all this years thinking the gauntlets got destroyed In the explosion, it suddenly resurfaced, but what worried him was the mystery of who was using it.

"Who could it be, who could it be?", Mr Adler thought, " I don't seem to have an idea... Could it be Martin's kid, Richard... No the boy would tell me and also he doesn't know anything, maybe it's Tony, cause I don't trust that guy but I don't think that's it". At that point, his phone rang and he picked it up, "hello General".

"Hello Jim, have you seen the bridge video? ", General asked.

"Yes sir, I have and I know you are wondering why it looks like Martin's work which was thought to be destroyed for some years now", Mr Adler said.

"What do you think Jim?", General asked.

"I promise sir, I'll find out", Mr Adler replied.

" You better do or else I'll find out myself and you know the military doesn't take lightly this kind of things, report back soon ", with that the General cut the call.

Mr Adler sighed as he stood up, put of the TV and headed for his bedroom.

Richard was in his father's secret lab after what happened in the afternoon, the suit brought him back.

"Wow, it was amazing i flew, I wasn't like controlling it was I", Richard said.

"No you weren't sir, I was controlling the flight, I noticed the danger around and did my best to avert it", REED said.

"You can do that", Richard said surprised.

"Of course master brave, I am set on automatic since you haven't learnt how to use me", REED replied.

"REED right, that's... That's what my dad named you, huh?", Richard asked.

" Yes sir", REED replied.

"What are you, an A.I, how do you work", Richard asked.

"I would love to tell you that but if you must know, I suggest you read my guide", REED replied.

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