CHAPTER 7- The Bad Guys Know Who I Am

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       Doctor Bernard was at his home when he had noises outside, he went out to check what it was, his shed was in ruin, something had destroyed it, he moved closer as he heard the sound of machinery, he picked up his broom and said, "whoever you are I've got a gun", armored man stood up from the crash, " armored man!

"Relax doc, its just me", armoured man spoke.

" who are you?, am I supposed to know you", doc Bernard asked.

"Reed, deactivate I-voice and the arms"

"Yes sir"..., Reed deactivated the arms as the suit came off.

" Richard", doc Bernard said in surprise.

"Doc! I need your help...", He falls down as he faints....


Brave industries

Mr Adler walks into Tony's office the next day, " tony what the hell did I see on TV, is that your project "

"Yes sir, it seems the formula works", Tony appeared.

" You know that you should keep it low, if the cops find any connection to us you are dead", Adler threatened.

"No need sir, I'll try to contain the situation, sir", Tony replied.

"You better ", Mr Adler said, " his phone rang, the caller was General, he picked it up, "hello general".

" I hope you have the gauntlets and the project the company is working on, hope it is ready ?, general asked.

"Yes General, it is", Mr Adler replied.

" Good, my men and I are coming into town soon, have it ready", the General said.

"Right General", Mr Adler said as he ends the call .

Tony gets a call as his office phone rang, as he spoke, his face went disappointed, he puts down the receiver.

" what's the problem? Tony", Mr Adler asked.

"Sir, we need to get project lava, I've just gotten information that the cells of the lava exploded, we have created a bomb, a hot one and it will explode soon", tony replied

" where's project lava ? Mr Adler asked.


An unknown building near the bridge

" Let me go or else ", mike shouted.

Mack who was with him as both faced each other, " is this what I get for saving you"

"Saving me, you put me in that situation, I've got to go, my mum is in the hospital because of what you did to me", Mike replied in a high tone as his body started to boil hot.

" okay cool it, cool it", mack said as he stepped backwards away from mike who had melted the ground. "But I noticed armored man hesitate for a minute when he pinned you down, then he called your name as if he knew you".

" That I don't care about, i gotta go", Mike said.

"Listen if you help me,you'll go and I'll tell the boss, then get you the cure", mack said.

"Okay ", mike said as he calmed down, " that voice of his, even though it was automated, it sounds familiar ", Mike said.

Mack turned, " think who could it be cause it sounded familiar to me too, like I've heard it"

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