Kiss Stolen

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It was late and Yuki Subaru arrived at 4 Star Academy late.
He'd just done a photo shoot with the rest of M4 and they all decided to eat at a restaurant before they came back but Subaru was tired and headed straight back.

"Hmmm? Is that Subaru Kyan?" Asked a girl, she was out past curfew with her friend.
"I think it is," her friend said
"Eeeek! I've always been a big fan of his, it turns out raiding the kitchen every night rewards us more than with just food!" The girl squealed
"Maybe," her friend thought "we could take pictures and make everyone buy them from us,"
"Good idea," the girl grinned
They got out their phones and took as many pictures as possible.
"Subaru!" Someone yelled.
The girls and Subaru turned fo see someone running towards Subaru.
"I've missed you!" She said, jumping on top of him.
"Whose that," the girl who was like ur past curfew whispered
"I don't know," her friend whispered back
"Erm? Who are you?" Subaru wondered
"You don't know?" The girl who flung herself at Subaru asked
"No," Subaru shook his head
"Well maybe this will help you remember," and she pulled him in for a kiss.
"OMG! Takes pictures now," the girls friend demanded
And the two took as many pictures as possible.

"Subaru!" A yellow with pink ends haired girl called
"Yudetaco?" Subaru said surprised, she never talked to him willingly
Yume smirked.
"Congrats!" She said pulling out a picture. It was of Subaru and that mysterious girl kissing.
"Wha! How did you get this!" He yelled, he'd been wondering why M4 had been giving him smirks all morning.
"It's all over the internet," she grinned "I can't believe someone would kiss you,"
"You sure know how to be rude," Subaru mumbled
"Your the rude one!" Yume shot back
"Subaru you and Yume Chan sure are close, could you be cheating?" Smirked Asihi
"No way!" Yume and Subaru yelled together.
"Awwww," Asihi sobbed "so you'd kiss a stranger but not Yume Chan!"
"I didn't kiss her she kissed me!" Subaru protested
"She's probably a fan," Kanata agreed
"She said she knew me," Subaru said
"From TV," Nozumu thought
"She said I knew her," Subaru said
"Maybe she had dreams about you," Asihi smirked
"What! That's just creepy," Subaru said
"Subaru!" Came a voice.
A girl flung her self at him. Subaru moved to the side so she didn't land on him.
"Huh! Your the girl from last night," Subaru yelled, shocked
"How could you be so cold, even after we kissed," she sobbed
"Subaru you made a girl cry!" M4 shouted "now fix it!"
"Don't! Knowing you you'll only make it worse," Yume said
"Your rude," Subaru argued
"Your the rude one," Yume backfired
The girl was now sobbing on the floor.
"Excuse me," Yume said, the girl turned around, "here," Yume said holding out her hand.
"Huh? Your Yume Senpai From S4!" She squealed giving Yume a hug "Hi I'm Kindoto Sakura,"
"Hello, Kindoto Chan," Yume smiled
"No! Just Sakura," the girl insisted
"Ok then Sakura," Yume corrected herself.
"So is it true that you and Subaru are dating?" Sakura asked
Yume's face was horrified
"I would NEVER date this guy, even if my life depended on it," Yume said
"Good! Cause otherwise we wouldn't of been able to get along as well as I'd hoped," Sakura smiled
"Yudetaco, you are really being rude today," Subaru commented
"Yudetaco?" Sakura asked
"I told you my name is Yume! Y U M E! Yume!" Yume Yelled
"He........ gave you a nickname?" Sakura looked shocked "give me one too!"
"Huh?" Subaru was now confused, why would this girl want a nickname when Yume hated being called a name that wasn't hers.
"I want to be special! You need to call Yume Senpai Nijino and give me a nickname, and I'm the only one!" Sakura stropped
"But when she goes bright red she looks like a boiled octopus," Subaru laughed
"I don't!" Yume protested
"Ummm? Guys we're still here," Asihi said awkwardly
"Subaru we need to get going, we had a shoot in 15 minuets," Kanta informed him
"Let's go," Nozumu urged
"Ok! Bye Yudetaco and Kindoto San," Subaru waved
"Urgh! That guy," Yume complained.

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