Subaru's Girlfriend!!

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"What do you guys think?" Yume asked
"Yume, again we can't read your thoughts," Ako sighed
"If you wanna ask our option on something, tell us what it is," Laura instructed
"Right, so do you think that Subaru-Kun likes Sakura," Yume wondered
"No!" Mahiru yelled "he can only like Yume!"
Everyone sweat dropped.
"So the rest of you, what's your opinion?" Yume once again asked
"Well there is a chance," Laura admitted
"But don't you think he could be trying to make someone jealous," Ako considered
"That could be true," Laura agreed
"Ooh! And I bet he's trying to make-" Laura quickly covered Mahiru's mouth
"Shhh! We can't ruin it!" Laura hissed
"Wha?" Yume was confused
"Are you ok Koharu?" Ako asked
"Look at this!" Koharu yelled, shoving her phone in their faces.
"What!" They all screamed

"What's this?" Nozumu smirked
"Yuki Subaru revealing he has a girlfriend!" kanata read the headline of Blog Aikatsu, a website all about Aikatsu.
"Who is it?" Asihi demanded
"No one," Subaru muttered
"Well then you lied," They all teased
"I didn't!" Subaru insisted
"Then who is it?" Kanta asked
"You can trust us!" Asihi smiled
"Yeah right," Subaru rolled his eyes
"Tell us!" Nozumu said
"No!" Subaru yelled running off.

Yume looked upset.
"What's up?" Laura asked
"Nothing I'm just shocked," Yume nervously laughed "but now that I think about it I can tease him about it all I want,"
"Yume," They all sweat dropped
"Ok well bye I've got to go," Yume ran off

"Owwwww!" Subaru and Yumebcried our when they went straight into each other.
"You jerk!" Yume yelled
"First you ask me to be your fake girlfriend, then you go and tell everyone before I made my decision!" Yume shouted
"Huh! Oh I didn't mean you," Subaru blinked
"Oh sorry," Yume calmed down "wait then who!"
"Oh! Right I agreed to go out with Sakura," Subaru looked away
"Huh!" Yume didn't get it "Then why'd you ask me?"
"Reasons, bye," Subaru found himself running again.
"I don't get it...." Yume was left standing there confused.

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