Subaru Becomes Distant

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Yume's POV

"Aikatsu, aikatsu, aikatsu," I chanted as I ran across school.
I heard someone else.
"Subaru-Kun!" I yelled
He carried on.
"Subaru-Kun!" I yelled louder
"SUBARU-KUN!!" I screamed
Still running......

I puffed my cheeks out in anger.
"Yuuki Subaru!" I shouted as I charged into him.
I ended up knocking him over and I fell onto him.
"Get off, Yume," he looked away.
I jumped up, not because he told me to but because he called me Yume. I mean yeah it's my name.... but.... HE DIDN'T SAY YUDETACO!!!!!!
"Are you sick?" I put my hand on his forehead.
Weird he feels fine.
He hit my hand away and ran off.


"And then he just ran away leaving me there," Iwas telling the girls what happened this morning.
"No way, that's so rude," Laura couldn't believe it.
"I'll ask Nii-San about it," Mahiru told me
"Are you ok, Yume-Chan?" Koharu-Chan was concerned
I nodded.
"I can't believe Subaru-Kun would do that but I believe Yume," Ako was torn, she couldn't decide, she wanted to believe me but I could tell she was having a hard time.
"I know it's weird..... but....... HE CALLED ME YUME!!!!!!!! THE WORLD MUST BE ENDING!!!" I yelled
The others sweat dropped.
"That's what your worried about!" They all sighed.
"Yeah! It tops everything else! What's more weird than that?" I asked
"The whole aloof thing!" Mahiru said like it was the most obvious thing ever.
"A....loof?" I was so confused "what's that?"
"It's another word for distant," Laura explained. I smiled. Then looked concerned.

So Subaru was distancing himself from me. That makes no sense, I thought we were friends, I don't remember doing anything. Although last time I saw him he did seem a little off. And he started acting weird after he started dating Sakura. I'll just ask her!
"Why don't we ask Sakura?" I suggested
"Nope," Ako declined my idea
"Why I think it's actually a good idea," Koharu pointed out. Mahiru, Laura and Ako looked at us like it was obvious.
"It's because she's prime suspect on the list of why he might be acting weird," Laura told us
"Why she's so nice?" I wondered. They looked at me like I was mad. "What?"
"She hates you.......," Ako sweat dropped "and she's always being horrible to you,"

That's just how she is...... isn't it????? I don't get it. Sakura and I are friends. Oh well if they say so. But I think she might know.
"I'm gunna go for a walk," I informed them. I still need to understand what's happening.

I hummed to myself as I went.
"Lalalalalaaaaa nari hibike music!" I sang. Oh wait I'm supposed to be thinking not singing!! I decided to sit down and think but thinkings boring. The next thing I know I'm asleep.

Subaru's POV

I was jogging again and saw a certain blonde sleeping. I wanted to sit next to her, make sure nothing bad happened to her. Instead I kept jogging. My heart hurt but this was for best.

I'm sorry........... Yume.

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