Sick V

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Jungkook made himself over to Kyungsoo's desk and let a pile of papers land infront of him.

"Mr. Byun wants you to read all of those"
He says and tugs his hands into his pockets

Kyungsoo looks at the pile then up a Jungkook
"Funny , cause if Baekhyun wanted me to do something he would call me on the phone not send someone"
He smiled up

The phone rang and Kyungsoo answered.
It was on speaker

"Soo, can you get me an iced americano please Oh! And a donut?"
Baekhyun asked

"Right away , Sir"
He hung up and turned his chair to Jungkook, giving him that one smile and put his leg over the other
"Im guessing you must be still really new to all of this, hm?"

Jungkook didn't say anything and just rolled his eyes.


Baekhyun had cancelled a meeting so that meant Jungkook could hang around the building for the mean time.

Little did he know was that a pair of brown eyes were watching him from a far.

Watching his every move.

Suhyeon was starting to get really suspicious with him.
Yesterday Baekhyun called her asking who the fuck she was cheating on him with?

What kind of nonsense? Where could he possibly get that i was cheating on him?

{ last night }

"Who the fuck are you cheating on me with?"
Baekhyun asked , sounding completely pissed off

Suhyeon choked on her chips and she coughed before saying "what?"

"Don't play dumb why are you cheating on me?"
He asked

"Baekhyun how can I possibly be cheating on you?"
Suhyeon put the bag of chips down on the center table and turned off the tv.

"Because i know"


"Someone told me"

She raised a brow
"Who told you i was cheating on you?"

He said

Suhyeon rolled her eyes and wanted to punch Jungkook in the face so bad

"Really Baek? You're going to believe him?"
She asked with a scoff

"I know it's Taehyung"

"Kim Taehyung?!"
She started laughing so hard to the point where her stomach started hurting.

"This isn't funny"
Baekhyun said

"It is! Taehyung is Married!"
She said with a laugh

"Wai-" "-to a man!"
Suhyeon cut him off and continued to laugh

Baekhyun stared at the phone for a moment and barely remembered that he was invited to the wedding last year.

"Oh shit umm i forgot"
He said into the phone , pinching his nose

"Yeah you fucking bubble head. You did"
She said and sat back into the couch to munch on her chips again

"Well still i think you still are"

"You have no evidence of me cheating on you, plus how could i when you're literally the full package"
She shoved a bunch of chips into her mouth making baekhyun wince at the loud munching sound coming through the phone
"Yoor stubid Byeon balehyun"
She said with a mouthful

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