Better Safe Than Sorry XIV

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It was hard to process the whole situation.

A divorce?

A whole marriage fallen apart.

"I still can't believe it.." Suhyeon said with a few sniffs after.
"I didn't mean for that to happen it just did!"

Kyungsoo was handing her tissue by tissue, at least a thousand of them scattered around the floor filled with snot.
" What made you think to kiss Jungkook like that? In your husbands office!"

Suhyeon cried a bit harder this time , knowing she fucked up really bad. He was right, why did it have to be in a conference office where he was obviously going to be.

"Kyungsoo..what should i do? He's going to get me to sign those papers by force and I don't want to..i love him"
She said and wiped her tears away

He stared at her and sighed
"If you loved him, you wouldn't of kissed Jungkook"

Suhyeon had no choice but to feel guilty.
It was her fault for everything.

She broke Baekhyun's heart.
Everything that he did for her and so much that he changed to be with her , all thrown away so easily.

She ran a hand through her hair and her head whipped up when the door opened, making a male come in to view.

It was Baekhyun.

Suhyeon straighten herself and watched as he took his coat off and placed the suitcase on the counter by the door along with his keys.

She stayed quiet. His eyes were blood shot and swollen, his lips chapped and he looked like he hasn't done anything to make himself look presentable.

She said and Kyungsoo didn't look back ignoring the fact of how Baekhyun looked since he also talked to him.

Baekhyun ignored Suhyeon and walked to the room but before he could , Suhyeon ran up to him and hugged him.

He didn't move or anything. He just let her sob on his chest just like he used to when she would get upset or sad about something.

Kyungsoo only watched and eventually got up to leave them alone.

Suhyeon was crying and grabbing onto his shirt tightly. Baekhyun felt nothing, he was completely unfazed and broken that his wife, the one he put so much effort in, the one who made him stop fooling around with other women , the one he almost lost his life to..kiss another man shamelessly.

He didn't want to be heartless with her because nonetheless, she was his wife but soon his ex-wife since it takes for her to sign the papers as well.

Baekhyun grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from him.
His heart dropped once seeing her sad and worn out face. All the crying made her eyes swollen and red, her nose covered in small bumps from blowing her nose too much as if she had a cold.

He really didn't want to do it and he felt horrible but..they both didn't think about his feelings and especially her when he gave his whole life and fortune away to her.

"Suhyeon please..there's nothing to talk about"
He said lowly and walked past her but she grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"Baekhyun let me explain myself atleast.."
She said

He shook his head
"No-i know why you kissed always been in love with him. You guys have been knowing each other since your younger days and it hit you.."

She cried once more
"No Baekhyun no..I don't love him! I never did, the man i fell in love with was you and only you..i got-i got carried away with everything he was telling me, refreshing my memory of the past"
She said
"It all just hit me! And i could not control myself..please forgive me"

She hoped he would but all her doubts were getting to her as well.

Baekhyun went to get his suit case and fish out the divorce papers.

He had already signed them and read everything.
He shoved it into her hands

"Make sure you read it carefully"
He said and walked past her

Suhyeon left her mouth opened.
He couldn't be serious.

"You already signed them? How could you?"
She said

Baekhyun scoffed and laughed
"How could i? Are you hearing yourself right now? You're trying to act like the victim here when you're the one that openly kissed your high school sweet heart!"

"I did not openly kiss him, Baekhyun! It was in the moment!"

"And yet you still liked it and went along with it.."
He said low

He had a face of betrayal and also hurt.
She was ridiculous to think that he would forgive her that easily. He gave everything to her.

He stopped his stupid actions for her sake.

Suhyeon didn't say anything and just stared at the papers in her hand.
Baekhyun would never forgive what she did, Jungkook tried ruining her life but maybe he was doing it for a win her back.
Maybe he thought Baekhyun would make her lofe miserable, which he did at some point but then he turned so sweet.

Baekhyun crossed his arms
"You're not saying anything because you know it's true, right?"

She looked up and pursed her lips.
"I did love Jungkook..but i also love you.
You have to believe me"

"I do believe you but after that kiss , it made you change your mind didn't it? It brought back all the good memories with him so you don't feel bad that i changed for you."
He said

Suhyeon never wanted to admit it but maybe it was true. It did bring back some memories but maybe this was fate.

"I'm sorry"
She said and grabbed a pen from a jar and signed the papers without hesitation.

She gave them back to Baekhyun and he was taken aback.
She signed them without any regret.

Suhyeon cleared her throat
"I will be getting my stuff"

She went around Baekhyun and headed to their room to get ready to pack her things.
She was leaving to Jungkook.

Baekhyun looked down at the papers and sighed. He was hurt, yes but he didn't want to live with someone knowing they love someone else. He is better than that and he will find someone else soon.

He loves Suhyeon but if she thinks she's better off with that kid, then so be it.
He had to face the facts in the end.

He placed the papers in his suitcase to hand them in tomorrow.

By the time Suhyeon packed her stuff, she rolled out of the room and placed the house key on the counter as well.

"Im sorry , Baekhyun..i hope you can forgive me now"
She said and frowned in his direction

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and opened the door.

"Have a nice life"
He said and she walked out , giving him a last look before the door slammed shut.

An ideal marriage went to waste.

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