Hidden VIII

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Chanyeol had set up the cameras the next day after everyone left the office.
He turned off the monitor system before putting them around.

"Did you put one in his office?"
Suhyeon asked

Chanyeol got off from the latter and dusted off his hands.
"Not not yet, all are installed and you can monitor these from your computer. I connected you to the cameras from the camera room to your laptop"

She nodded
"Good good everything is going as planned"

"Is Baekhyun in his office?"
Chanyeol asked after grabbing his bag

Suhyeon hummed
"Yeah, he's going to take me home but he's not aware of this. He's so into his work he dosen't have a clue"

"Good , since he was in his office and we couldn't put the camera make sure you place it somewhere on a high shelf or his desk"

Chanyeol said and she nodded once again.
He headed out and bid his goodbyes.

He had to go back to class tomorrow so it was a great timing for him to help.

Suhyeon fixed her hair quickly and walked over to Baekhyun's office.

Her head peeped by the door and she saw him looking down at a sheet of paper.
Her and Baekhyun haven't been as close as before nowadays.

Sometimes she wanted him to cal her over and just be with her and talk like a norma couple would do but she had her hopes way too high.

She sighed heavily and Baekhyun heard that , looking up.

"Oh hey"
He said with a tired smile

She smiled back and walked into his office.

"I'm almost done give me a sec"
He said and typed something into his computer.

Suhyeon watched him type away and suddenly the words of Jungkook came into her head.
She didn't want Baekhyun to hate her at all or just despise her in general.

She didn't understand why Jungkook wants to destroy their relationship  with one snap of his fingers. But anyway, she had to stop him before he went too far

Suhyeon was so spaced out and into her thoughts that Baekhyun called her name out for the 5th time.

She shook a bit and looked at him
"Huh? Sorry"
She smiled

"Are you ok?"
He asked

She nodded and sat down on the soft white couch. Baekhyun closed his laptop and shoved it into his briefcase.

Suhyeon only continued to watch him, she needed something but she didn't know what until Baekhyun walked over to her and stood infront.

Suhyeon looked up at him and that's when she realized.

She needed him.

She's been going home alone and with Baekhyun getting home late, they never had intimacy at all.

It's been a few months since Baekhyun laid a finger on her. Well..only when he would kiss her but that's it.

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