Aim For The Target VII

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A few hours later after Kyungsoo gave her the address she quickly went to meet up with him at the cafe.

She looked around the cafe and spotted Kyungsoo talking with a guy that looked a bit tall.

His ears were cute and big-

She squinted and gasped.
She marched over to the table and grabbed the hoodie of the tall guy , yanking him back so she can see him.

"Park Chanyeol!"
She shouted

Chanyeol put his hands up in defense
"Don't hit me! Im only here for a good time!"

Suhyeon huffed and looked over at Kyungsoo
"This is your professional?"

He shrugged "you wanted someone who's good with computers right? This big ass nerd is one"
He sipped on his ice coffee

"Hey! Im not a nerd, how rude"
Chanyeol pouted and adjusted his glasses

"Well you're a cute nerd"
Suhyeon added and smiled at him.

He gave her that cute dimpled smile she missed.
Chanyeol had gone away to stanford to study and he barely got back. Baekhyun has talked to him plenty of times through the phone, they were like two puppies.

Chanyeol acted like a child most of the time and is really sensitive but he's a smart ass guy.
I mean Stanford? her dreams.

"So how's school?"
She asked

"It's going good , pretty decent actually because I'm kind of lonely"
He frowned and scrunched his nose

"Wanna date with Baekhyun?"

Chanyeol's face lit up in 0.1 seconds
"You're serious?!"

She started laughing because she knows that Chanyeol has the biggest crush on Baekhyun.

I mean..if Baekhyun was into guys I wouldn't mind him dating Chanyeol because damn.

Both are fine as fuck.

"Hmmmm maybe if he agrees"
She giggled and Chanyeol shrugged and leaned back into the chair.

"Enough with chitchat get with the problem"
Kyungsoo said in annoyance

Chanyeol said and opened his laptop.
His screen lit up and you sat closer to him on one side and Kyungsoo on the other.

"Okay well i did research on Jungkook and well turns out he dosen't have any criminal records"
He said

Suhyeon pouted

"Are you sure he dosen't? I mean he probably dosen't but maybe he has some very top secret because a guy THAT young can't possibly be a co-head"
Kyungsoo commented

"It's possible"
Chanyeol said and typed something into the computer
"Let's see....AHA!"

Suhyeon jumped up
"Oh my god what?"

"No way..."
Kyungsoo said and his mouth was opened in shock. Chanyeol as well had to fix his glasses to see if he was reading it right.

Suhyeon looked into the screen and squinted her eyes.
She gasped and covered her mouth

"No fucking way.."
Kyungsoo said again "he's a criminal convicted of 3 felony's?! THAT YOUNG?"

"It's possible"
Chanyeol said "but if that was it , he wouldn't be working there"

"How did he do it?"
Suhyeon asked

"He's using a different name"
Chanyeol looked over the profile on his screen
" Jeon Jaesun "

Kyungsoo sat back and sipped in his coffee.

"I think we should tell Baekhyun"
Chanyeol said and closed his laptop

Suhyeon shouted "we can't!"

"Why not?"
Kyungsoo asked " That guy is in the same fucking office and building as him he could have anything up his sleeve at any moment. Baekhyun is in danger"

"I know but this is too risky Jungkook or- Jaesun whatever his name is-is smart. Very smart we can't blow our cover-"
Suhyeon said

"Are you that dumb?"
Kyungsoo commented

Suhyeon scoffed "i am not! Im looking out for my husband!"

"We all are, princess so that's why it's better to tell him!"
Kyungsoo shouted at Suhyeon and she only rolled her eyes.

"And i thought i was the childish one here"
Chanyeol butted in "this is what we WILL do. Not tell Baekhyun because if he does know about this, he will rat us out. He might be pretty but he has a big mouth and will not be afraid of telling Jungkook that we were the one's who found his info"

"But he might be in danger.."
Suhyeon looked down
"Or I don't know.."

Chanyeol eyed her
"I don't know? Suhyeon do you know something?"

She didn't want to say anything but she had to.
She sighed "Jungkook clearly told me to stay away from Baekhyun. He said he was going to take him away from me and make Baek hate me which is slowly working.."
Suhyeon sounded upset. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol gave her a sympathetic look.

"He's just trying to ruin you and your relationship, trust me I've seen him do it"
Kyungsoo said

"Wait you have?"

He nodded "I didn't want to say anything but i saw him throw away the red lipstick into the trash right after you left. I was coming up and i was able to catch him"

She frowned and made a fist
"Ugh! That bastard! Making me take all the blame for that!"

"Yeah...about that, im so sorry for yelling at you like that infront of everybody. I really just thought it was you since you're the only girl there"
He said

"It's okay I forgive you but I can't really forgive Baekhyun. I can't believe he's that gullible to believe i was the one to trash his office. His own wife!"
She shook her head in disbelief and sighed heavy.
"It makes sense now.."

"You can't let him take him away from you"
Kyungsoo said " because Baekhyun is an easy target"

Suhyeon looked at Chanyeol
"You want that date?"

Chanyeol blinked but quickly nodded like a happy puppy

She smiled and nodded back
"Alright. I want you to get me a few things though"

"Okay like what?"
Chanyeol asked

"A few cameras"

( a little confusing chapter but yeaaaahhh lol )

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