You don't remember me? XII

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12:30 Pm

Tap tap..

12:30 Pm

Tap tap..

12:31 Pm

Tap tap..

Suhyeon's eyes didn't leave the clock.
She was standing outside of the meeting room, pacing back and forth and biting her finger.

Jongdae came from behind her making her jump

She flinched and put a hand to her chest

"Can you stop pacing? You're creating a draft"
Jongdae said and She glared

"I can't stop because it's been so long and i need to hear about this soon"

Peeked inside the meeting room and Baekhyun was standing at the front , explaining something to other business men.

"He seems really busy, i think you should wait"
He said

Suhyeon groaned and leaned back into the wall
"I can't wait! He said he was going to talk about my fashion line at the end of the meeting with one of them and i really hope he dosen't forget"
She runs her fingers through her hair in frustration.

"I don't think he will. He's good at memorizing things and plus, he loves you so Ofcourse he will mention you"
Jongdae gave her the cute cat like smile and walked back to his desk

There was no use in waiting. It would just make time go slower.


How boring it was waiting till 1 pm to kick in.
She was sitting in the cafeteria section , drinking coffee and looking around at people walking by.

She sighed heavily and tapped the cup with her fingers.

Come to think of it...She hasn't seen Jungkook in a while nor talked to him.

Maybe she did and forgot.
She was trying to get over him by forgetting that he wants to ruin their relationship but after the other night, she knew Baekhyun was a loyal man to her.

She smiled at how romantic that night was , how he touched her and kissed in the right places. Her cheeks became red and she covered them with her hands.

Her smile faded when a wave of nausea came in and she scrunched up her face.
She touched her stomach and breathed out.

"It was probably the coffee"
She told herself.

But the nausea suddenly became into disgust and she knew she needed to run to the bathroom now.

She got up quickly and ran to the nearest bathroom.
People stared at her as she ran and bumped into a few people.

Once she got into the stall , she went on her knees and puked into the toilet.

She felt grossed out when she flushed it.

Suhyeon washed her hands and wiped her face with water.
"I feel better now.." she smiled at herself into the mirror and fixed her hair.

When she walked out of the bathroom,
She fixed her skirt and looked up. Many men with suits on were walking out of the building.

"Does that mean-"
Her eyes went up on the clock on one of the walls

It was 1 pm

She gasped and ran to the nearest elevator.
She had a a big smile on her face and pressed the button that led to the office.

He hands clasped together and she waited for the elevator to get onto the floor.

When the door opened , she almost bumped into someone getting out
She shouted and continued to run Baekhyun's office.

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