And so it begins once again XV

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It's been atleast 2 years since their divorce.

Suhyeon never went back to jungkook but also never went back to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun was the most successful man in south korea currently. He was once again, a handsome bachelor. All the women and teenagers girls went crazy for him.

Suhyeon would be lying if she didn't go crazy for him still.

Suhyeon lived alone in a small apartment in seoul. She comes and goes from work because that's all she really has time for. Everytime she passes by the heart of seoul, she sees him and that beautiful, flawless face of his on a big screen on the side of a building.

She only sighs and walks away.

Her friends scolded her for staring too hard at those billboards and the cover of magazines he was on. They reminded her that he was long gone and that she needed to move on and find someone better who would love her and be able to fix the mistakes she'd make.

Although the mistakes on both of their parts weren't very little.

She still loves him but she doubts he loves her back.
She admitted to being completely blind by the things he did to her and they were worse that what she did. At the end of the day, cheating is cheating and most people don't take it lightly.
Especially Baekhyun.

Baekhyun had changed his number and email so she really couldn't reach out to him if she really wanted to.

It was back to the start to when Baekhyun hated her entirely.
Suhyeon hoped for that one message or the one phone call from him but it never came.
She got her hopes up too much but eventually gave up.

Suhyeon never seen him in person since they got divorced. Never bumped into him on accident or anything.
Until the other day at the convenience store.

Suhyeon was buying some ramen and a soda when she turned the corner and saw Baekhyun looking at something on the shelf.

Her eyes went wide and she quickly turned the corner to hide. Her heart pounded and she felt like she was going to throw up.

She hasn't seen him that close for 2 years and it might sound a bit dramatic but she felt like dying.

She peeked around the shelf and saw him again staring at the selection of candy bars. He wore a black hat and a white t-shirt with jeans and some black converse. Typical Baekhyun style she would say but he still looked great.
He was glowing actually.

Suhyeon didn't notice she was staring too hard until a guy walked behind her and growled.

"Move, lady"
He hissed and she bowed and apologized to which Baekhyun looked up and saw her.

She stared back and her eyes went wide.

He kept looking at her and he pursed his lips before grabbing a random candy bar and leaving to the register.

Her face felt hot. She wasn't breathing for a second.

Baekhyun eventually left the store and she shrugged and paid for her stuff and walked out.

"Well that was awkward"
She said and opened her soda, standing infront of the store.

As she was drinking, Suhyeon felt a droplet of water on her cheek and before she knew it. It was raining.

She didn't bring an umbrella or nothing so she stood there getting completely soaked by the rain.
Suhyeon took it as bad luck. Seeing your ex husband then getting poured by rain oh and not to mention her shirt was see through.

"God, why does this happen to me"
She tried covering her chest with her hands as she ran down the side walk.

She eventually made it to her building complex. She took off her shoes and socks since they were wet and went up to her apartment.

Too distracted fishing for her keys in her purse. She drops them and bends down to grab them when she sees a pair of shoes.

Black converse.

Her heart stopped and she gulped.
Her eyes came up slowly and she saw him standing right infront of her.


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