Excitement in the Air, Dia de los Muertos Everywhere!

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Lances POV

+Lance was walking to the kitchen when he bumped into Hunk who was just about to leave.

"Oh sorry Hunk! Didn't see you there."

Lance said while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"No it's fine. Really! Don't worry about it."

Hunk then gathered himself up and was about to leave until he realized Lance was staring at him blankly.

"You ok there buddy?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just spaced out a little. That's all."

"Oh, ok. see you around then." Hunk was about to leave until, suddenly, lance yelled-


"What is it?"

"I was just wondering what day it was. you see, my clock is a little off track."

"Oh, um. It's November 1st and the time is 9:37pm. At least for earth time."

"Wait what?! Is it really only one day till Dia de los Muertos?! I need to start keeping track on the date." Lance said. honestly a little disappointed in him self for forgetting that one of his favorite holidays was tomorrow. "Dia de los what?"

"Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead in English. it's a holiday most Hispanic family's celebrate and it's on November 2nd." Lance said in a very madder-of-fact attitude.

"But what's the holiday about?" a voice suddenly asked.

"Why hello princess." Lance said while flirtatiously rapping an arm around Allura's waist. She didn't seem amused.

"Hello Lance, Hunk. I was just eavesdropping when i heard something about a holiday tomorrow?" she said while unhooking lance from her waist.

"well, yeah. I was just talking about Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). you see, my family and i would celebrate it back on earth and i was hoping we could celebrate it here on the castle."

"That sounds great!"

"It is great, but there's one problem. No one here on the ship knows what i'm talking about. And if no one knows what i'm talking about, we can't celebrate Dia de los Muertos." he says honestly a little disheartened by what he just said.

"Well, i can set up a meeting in the lounge where you then can tell everyone about this wonderful holiday and inform us what we need to do for it!"

"That would be awesome Allura! Thank you so much!"


Keith's POV

Keith was confused when Allura called everyone to the lounge. But here he was sitting in between Shiro and Pidge, still confused on why he was there. He was there for a while until Lance walked in and stood at the middle of the room. He honestly didn't mind cause Keith had a crush on Lance, so seeing him was a very enjoyable experience. What was weird was the fact that Lance was not only standing in front of everyone but the fact that Lance was looking very excited about whatever was happening.

"Lance has informed me about a holiday he and his family used to celebrate back on earth. It's called... it's called... um... what's it called again Lance?"

"Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead in English. Thanks for starting me off Allura, but i can take it from here. Dia de los Muertos is a holiday about loss and remembering the people and animals that you love that have passed away. But instead of mourning about those people, we celebrate their lives and have a big celebration!  There's an altar and you put things like pictures, their favorite things, figures, pan de muertos, candles etc. on the altar. When you've gathered everything and set it all up, you sit down in front of the altar and talk about all the good memories you had together. It's honestly a very touching moment and it's really just beautiful. When it's 12:00am my mom would let us eat all the food we set out on the altar. We would eat like pigs. Honestly! It's so much fun! I promise!"

Day of the Dead: a Klance storyWhere stories live. Discover now