Shiro's Talk in the Hallway

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Keith's POV

"Can't they hurry up? I get that they're probably making out or something but they're taking forever."

"P-pidge! What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Oh hey Lance, Keith. How'd your make out session go?"

"W-we weren't making out!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say."

"Hey Keith, can I talk to you for a second? While I'm talking to Keith, you can get started with the food and decorations. Be back in a bit."

Shiro started to walk away and Keith soon followed. As Keith was about to turn the corner, he noticed Lance's eyes on him. He could feel his face start to heat up and he's almost positive he saw Lance look a little flustered too. Before Keith could get a good look at Lance, he turned down the corridor and followed Shiro, making sure to stay close to him.

"Why do you wanna talk Shiro?"

"Just wanted to discuss some..... stuff."

"What "stuff" exactly?"

"Oh, the normal stuff. How you're doing, new training techniques, ....your crush on Lance~"

Shiro gave Keith a sly smirk over his shoulder.

"I-i don't have a crush on Lance!"

"Yeah. Sure you don't. And I'm not human."

"Believe me. If I had a crush on Lance, I think I would tell you."

"No offense Keith, but I know that you do in fact have a crush on Lance."

"How would you know if I have a crush on him or not?"

"I heard Pidge and you talking in the hall, and I think I remember someone admitting to, not just liking Lance, but being in love with him!"

"What?  No. Never. How could I ever fall in love with Lance!? I mean, it's Lance! I wouldn't fall for him in a trillion years!"

"But you have. Just admit already!  It's painful to watch you silently pine your ass off anyways.  It would be a blessing to all if you two just admitted your feelings for each other."

Shiro sighs as he puts his hand on his forehead to emphasize his point to Keith. Keith just stares blankly at him, feet sealed to the ground. Not able to move at all. Not even his breathe is present at this moment of surprise. Then suddenly Keith's feet remember how to walk again and he stops Shiro in his tracks.

"What?!  What did you say?!  That Lance likes, maybe even loves me, too?!"

"So you admit you like him?"

"Oh my god. Yes, fine. I like, no, love Lance. There you happy?"

"Very. Thank you for that."

"But Shiro, please answer my question. Please!"

"What's that? Oh, ok. Sorry. Yeah, I'll be right there.  Sorry Keith but I have to go. Allura said she needed me to help with the decorations since she almost fell off the ladder and is now slightly afraid of it."

"Shiro. Get back here!  Ugh. He's not coming back."

Once Shiro had left, Keith decided to go back to where the team was before. But then he saw something poking out around the corner of the hallway. Paranoid he started to sprint towards whatever or whoever it was but, when he himself had reached his destination, all he saw was a flash of vibrant blue, and then nothing. Nothing at all besides the empty hallway.

"Fuck. Just, fuck."

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