Let's Hope This Goes Right

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Pidges POV

Pidge was in her room planning out what she would do that night to get Lance and Keith to finally stop pining and just get together. at some point Hunk walked in.

"Hey Pidge! What you doing?"

"Oh hey Hunk! Just finishing up my plan. Wanna hear what i got so far?"


"Well, the plan is honestly simple but genius! You see, I'm going to bring Keith into the corridor and have home confess his feelings for Lance. (Beforehand i'll have a talk with Keith explaining the plan) While i'm talking with Keith, i'm gonna have you send over Lance. Once you let me know he's for sure there, i'll get Keith to say that he love's Lance again and Lance'll be there to hear it. Lance will probably at first be flustered, but within a short amount if time realize that he has nothing to worry about. There for, he will become very sweet and gesture-y. That will make Keith very flustered and confused but vulnerable. And when Keith becomes vulnerable, he cracks easily. And that'll result in Keith confessing to Lance and Lance probably thinking to do the same thing by the end of the night. They get together, probably have a make out session or something, and by tomorrow they'll be telling us they're a couple."

"That's quite elaborate. Also, how do you know they'll confess to each other?"

"I just do."

"That's not a real answer, but ok."

"Just trust me. This will work."

" if you say so. What did you need me to do again?"

"Get Lance to be where i need him to be when i say so, and let me know when he's there."

"Oh. Ok."

"Look, if you don't do that...my plan is ruined. Please help me out here."

"Ok ok. I'll help you out i guess."

"Thank you Hunk! Your'e the absolute best!"

"Yeah yeah. Save it for when the plan works."

"If you say so."


Lance's POV

Lance was getting ready to head out for the supplies for Dia de los Muertos. Pidge and Hunk would be going to get the food, Allura and Shiro would be going to get the decorations and the table cloth, and him and Keith would be going to get the candles and the flowers. Lance was nervous he'd slip up again but didn't try to dwell on what could happen and just tried to accept his fate.

"Hey Lance! We're partners right?"

"Uh...yeah. Partners."

"Great! If you wouldn't mind, i'd like to hear more about this holiday."

"Sure! Don't hesitate to ask anything. I'm the master of Dia de los Muertos!"

"Right. I almost forgot."

"It's true! You just wait and see. I'll show you. Plus, no matter what, i know more about Dia de los Muertos than you ever will. So that's one more thing i'm better at than you!"

"Sure sharpshooter. Believe whatever you want."

"U-uhm...ok! I'll do that!"


The use of the nickname "Sharpshooter" made Lance extremely flustered. Not only did the fact that Keith of all people had called him a nickname make him flustered, but the fact that it was one that Lance gave himself and actually liked made him go over the edge. He couldn't do this anymore. It was just to much. His crush was growing and Lance new that if he kept liking Keith, he would eventually fall in love with him. And based on how fast his crush was growing, he knew that would happen fast. Why can't things be more simple?


Keith's POV

Keith was honestly really excited to go to a planet with Lance...alone. He felt like Pidge set this up or something...but that was silly. Why would Pidge do that? Ok... Pidge has many reasons to do that. in general, i should probably stop looking into it, and just focus on getting through a day with Lance. If i mess up...i could put the team at stake. No, i need to stop thinking like that. I don't know how things will turn out, so i can't dwell on ideas of the worst. I need to think of good situations. Like the fact that Lance could like me back...i don't think that's true, but it's possible! Sort of...i guess. Just focus on what your'e doing now.

"Keith! Keeeeiiiiith!"

"What? Did you say something?"

"Yes i did! For twenty hours!"

"Not twenty hours Lance."

"How do you know?"

"Because it only takes about an hour to get to the planet."

"Fine! But it was a long time!"

"Why are you like this?! I should probably have some sympathy though. After all, your brain is so small that you usually don't get lost in thought. And when you do, it's probably about pick up lines or something."

"At least i try to pick up girls! You don't even try! Plus, no girl's gonna approach you with that mullet! I mean, honestly! It's the ugliest thing i've ever seen!"

"At least it's not as ugly as your perfect face!"

"Oh yeah we- wait w-what?"

"I- i said a least it's not as ugly as your face!"

"You sure?"

"Y-yes! W-what would make you think i said anything else?!"

"N-nothing i guess! I just though i heard you say something else!"



For the rest of the ride Keith and Lance sat in awkward silence. Every so often one of them would try to spark up conversation, but it always failed. It was weird. Lance and him had never really been like this. It was like there was something added to they're friendship/rivalry (kind of). But he'd think about it later. Right now he had to get stuff for lance's Day of the something holiday.

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