Pidge's Plan

390 11 14

Keith's POV

It was the start of a new day and Keith was kinda in a good mood for it. He usually was grumpy in the morning, but, for some reason he was happy. That "reason" might've also been the fact that Lance always looks super cute when he gets excited, happy, mad, etc. Keith eventually convinced himself to get up, take a shower, get dressed, and head to the training deck for some thinking. Some people might think it's weird to have the clearest thoughts while fighting a robot, but for Keith, it was calming and helpful. As he was on his way to the training deck, he all of a sudden got jump scared by the boy he was just thinking about.

"Get rekt!"

"Oh my gosh! Uh, hi Lance." Keith said. Obviously startled by Lance randomly screaming at an extreme volume.

"Did i scare you?"

"Uh, yeah. Kinda"

"Wait, seriously!? Uh, i mean... of course i did. By the way, you kinda looked, like, cute back there. Like when you got scared and stuff."

"W-what did you just say?"

"I said you kinda looked like a baby back there."

"Oh, well... that is just the nicest thing i've ever heard." Keith said sarcastically. Why did he even fall for this boy? It doesn't make any sense to him. There was almost no reason to like him! Except for how attractive he is, and how kind and caring he is (even if he doesn't show it), and how funny he is... ok, so there were a lot of reasons to like him. But that doesn't make it any easier to be around a perfect, attractive, dumbass boy, who you for some reason have fallen in love with.

"Were you heading to the training deck?"

"Yeah. What about you? Why are you up early?"

"My body is so excited for today, it wont let me sleep. So, yeah."


"You really forgot?! Dia de los Muertos! The holiday i tried to get you guys at least interested in!"

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Sorry!"

"You just learned about it, so you probably didn't even listen to me talk about it."

"Anyways, when's this holiday again?"

"Today. You really didn't listen to me, did you?"

"Not the point here."

"Is your head pretty much just mullet and like a tiny bit of brain?"

"At least i have a brain."

"Whatever mullet. See ya!"

"See ya cutie."

"What? Did you say something?"

"Uh... n-nothing! bye!"

And with that Lance was nowhere to be found. Keith hit his back against the wall, soon slowly sliding down into a sitting position.

"Why did you say that out loud?! He's gonna hear you one of these days, and you're gonna break like you did with Pidge and he's gonna know everything and hate you forever and never talk to you again and then you'll never be able to form Voltron again and the Galra Empire will take over and the universe will be gone, including earth and then Lance will cry and it will be all your fault, just because of your stupid crush on him!"

"Worry much?"

A short slender body appeared around the corner to then soon sat next to Keith, mimicking the position he was in.

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